

I returned home yesterday from the Banner of Truth Ministers' Conference held in Leicester in the UK. This was the fiftieth anniversary of its founding, though not quite the fiftieth conference (they missed maybe one or two for various reasons over the years). We heard Ted Donnelly (briefly but...
Paul Levy
It is saddening for me to see Carl going the way of the great Ian Paisley. He who was always on the outside, raging against the status quo, who refused to be controlled, when he's offered a seat at the table changes his persona and ingratiates himself with the establishment. The signs have been...
First, thanks to all of our readers for the excellent questions submitted so far! There's still time to email more questions to Beginning next month, Dr. Oliphint will post article-length replies to your questions. Thank you again!
Last Lord's Day in preaching consecutively through the gospel of Matthew, I came to chapter 12 verses 1 to 14, where our Lord Jesus had an encounter with the Pharisees concerning the Sabbath. As I read the various modern commentators on the text, I was amazed at how few supported the idea that the...
Paul Levy
I think we're all enjoying Carl's climbdown over the celebrities , now kissing the hands he once used to bite. I've not got a dog in this fight, I don't even know most of the people at the conference. David Platt was one of the best central midfielders in the 90s for England and the fact that he's...
Paul Levy
The IPC (International Presbyterian Church) is minuscule. We're barely surviving. Our website is down at the moment because we forgot to renew the domain name and at one point were advertising Viagra. But there are very good things happening and we're getting there. Trinity Church York is a bright...
The editors welcome Pastor Rob Ventura as our newest addition to the reformation21 blog team. He is the pastor of Grace Community Baptist Church in Cumberland, Rhode Island and co-author, along with fellow ref21 blogger Jeremy Walker, of A Portrait of Paul . Welcome Rob!
Carlton Wynne
The popular description of the biblical gospel as "the story of Jesus" and the attendant call to "make God's story part of your story" now appears to have its own tailor-made Bible translation. The newly released The Voice encourages readers to "step into the story of Scripture" by adapting...
For those who may be in the vicinity of Coventry (in the UK - not sure if there are others) on Monday 23rd April, you are warmly invited to the next Bulkington Lecture on church history at Bulkington Congregational Church . I have been asked to give a biographical address on Hugh Latimer, which...
And so it has happened. Carl Trueman, Puncturer of Bubbles, has been invited into the celebrity cauldron of T4G to discuss celebrity. Quite apart from the obvious irony of having the cachet actually to sit on the same platform as "Lig," "C.J." "Al," "Mark," "Thabiti," and other one-name monsters,...