

Paul Levy
I was brought up in a church that didn't have a written liturgy. That's not to say there wasn't a liturgy. The argument that we have no set liturgy is ever so slightly ridiculous. Can you imagine getting up and announcing a hymn and saying, 'There are no words. Please feel free to sing along to the...
Paul Levy
Carl Trueman is available to sign autographs after the morning session of T4G today and you can have your photo taken with Carl if you are willing to make a donation to the IPC Ealing building fund.
Contra Mr Levy, I have not been spending my time in Zambia waiting for opportunities to assault people who went to worship God last Sunday. Indeed, I am delighted to know it. The thrust of my previous post was merely to emphasise that I would be particularly pleased to know that they are looking...
Paul Levy
I love the fact Jeremy is in Zambia, has limited opportunity to go on the internet and so posts......... a quote telling us off for celebrating Easter Sunday!!! I have a massive Cadbury's Cream Egg waiting for him on his return or does he not accept Chocolate Eggs?
I have been in Zambia for the last few days - due to leave for home fairly soon - and so opportunity for anything other than my responsibilities here has been limited. However, things have slowed down a little, and I have an opportunity to pause. As I paused I came across a snippet from Spurgeon...
Paul Levy
I love the Masters I can't play golf to save myself but there's something about the US Masters that's just addictive, however my good friend Jonny Gibson has taken it to a whole new level, preaching while dressed as if he's going to play in the masters. Have a look at this video . Jonny is...
Paul Levy
My God, My God why have you forsaken me - Matthew 27:46 Jesus was forsaken of God in all things. There is not one token of God's dealings left for Him. There is not one beam of sunlight permitted to shine on Him. All of heaven is closed to Him and the gates of hell lurk ahead. The hands of God...
Paul Levy
Frans Bakker was a minister in the Netherlands who died aged 46 in 1965. His book 'Praying Always' published by the Banner is a terrific read and a great incentive to get praying. I discovered 'The Everlasting Word' which is a collection of letters to his congregation and sermons divided into daily...
Paul Levy
I once worked in a supermarket where I used to put yoghurts, cheese, butter and milk on shelves. The uniform was black trousers, white shirt, green waistcoat and a green bow tie. I had to wear a badge saying 'Hello my name is Paul'. To top it off I had a fake cow on the aisle where I worked which...
I first remember the tension while watching Battle of the Planets as a small boy. To those who were spared such torments or denied such pleasures (depending on your take), and especially to those who just read that Wikipedia entry and wondered what kind of existence I led, to the infant mind these...