

William B. Evans
Dr. John Basie, a member of the Erskine Board of Trustees, has written a brief post regarding the anthropological monism of Erskine President Dr. David Norman. Dr. Basie's position is that, while he personally disagrees with Dr. Norman's view, nevertheless he finds it to be "biblically faithful and...
Every once in a while you come across a great quote that grips your heart and reminds you of all that you have in Jesus. This week I came across just such a quote by John Bunyan concerning the righteousness of Christ, which is ours; he speaks of it in the pages of Grace Abounding To The Chief Of...
When the Jews saw Christ weep outside the tomb of Lazarus, this demonstration of his deep affection (compare Jn 11.3, 5) brought forth the declaration: "See how he loved him!" (Jn 11.36). His attitude and actions left the onlookers in no doubt concerning the feeling of Christ for his beloved friend...
Paul Levy
Numbers, numbers, numbers, It's our favourite book of the Bible as conservative evangelicals. We all love numbers: "How many people go to your church? How many people are on your team? How many downloads have you had on your sermons?" My brother says, when people ask him how many go to his church,...
It is with deep gratitude to God that The Andrew Fuller Center for Baptist Studies announces that the publishing house of Walter de Gruyter, with head offices in Berlin and Boston, has committed itself to the publication of a modern critical edition of the entire corpus of Andrew Fuller's published...
William B. Evans
This upcoming meeting of the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church's General Synod, scheduled for June 5-7, 2012, has the potential to be one of the more significant meetings of that body in recent memory. Judging from the contents of the Synod packet of materials sent out to delegates, a number...
Paul Levy
A friend of mine last year attended the John Stott memorial service in Melbourne . He said to me it was the best funeral/ memorial sermon he'd ever heard. I printed it out but never got round to reading it until yesterday. It' was preached by Peter Adam on Galatians 6:11-18. This sermon should be...
Carlton Wynne
By questioning what God really said, the serpent infamously enticed Eve to do more than simply assess whether God's Word was trustworthy. The serpent's question lured Eve, and Adam in her wake, into a radical reordering of their relationship with the One who had spoken. The question enticed Adam...
C.M. (Beatitudo) Psalm 1 How greatly favoured is the man Who, by the grace of God, Walks not in step with sinful men, Nor treads the sinner's road. The seat of mockers holds no joy: All wickedness is spurned By them whose love is for the law, Who righteousness have learned. God's precepts are their...
Paul Levy
Last week I went to the local chicken shop. It's not the premier brand of chicken shopand is run by some of the most unhygienic men in the UK. The owners, however, are very friendly and they were very excited to show me the new CCTV cameras they had installed; 4 different camera shots from overhead...