

Paul Levy
Frans Bakker in his book ' Praying Always ' reflects on David and Bathsheba and states, 'The Lord sometimes causes the consequences of sin to remain, even though forgiveness has been granted. Thus he keeps his people humble. A bitter aftertaste is left so that a sinful past will not be forgotten...
Our friends at Christ the Center captured some of this year's PCRT with this interview . Enjoy!
Editors' Note: This post was written by John Perritt (M.Div; Reformed Theological Seminary, Jackson), who is the Youth Pastor at Pear Orchard Presbyterian Church in Ridgeland, MS. In addition to his pastor duties, he is currently working on biblical counseling certificates through Christian...
For those who may be in the New England area this weekend (May 4th and 5th), Paul Washer will be preaching at the Southern New England Reformation Conference being held at the church I pastor in North Providence, Rhode Island. You are warmly invited. For more information, please see here: http://...
William B. Evans
My good friend Doug Sweeney at TEDS has just posted a very thoughtful piece about the future of seminary education on The Gospel Coalition website. Sweeney makes some points that are consistent with observations that I offered on this site awhile back. We agree that the church is facing a crisis of...
Sean Lucas
Thankfully, last night the NFL draft finally got underway. Since my team, the Indianapolis Colts, had the first pick--due to their awful season which itself was the result of Peyton Manning's injury--I and other football fans didn't have much suspense. But that hadn't stopped all of the endless...
It is not, perhaps, a locus classicus for the pastoral office, but Genesis 31.36-42 certainly gives us some impression of the liabilities and responsibilities of the shepherd as understood by the men who used that phrase of their protectors and rulers. Perhaps a similar picture begins to emerge in...
Like many, you may be appalled at how often the Lord Jesus issues a command to those whom he has healed to keep silent about what has taken place and the command is immediately not just ignored but thoroughly trampled upon. "Horrors!" we cry, "Didn't they hear him? Weren't they listening when he...
William B. Evans
Recently the Westminster Larger Catechism's treatment of the Ninth Commandment (particularly Q. 144) has become an issue in some conservative Presbyterian presbyteries. For example, last fall my own ARP presbytery voted to establish an ad hoc committee "to draft a code of online conduct for...
Paul Levy
The Guardian is a national newspaper and in Friday's edition you have this article 'Was Jesus Gay?' It is an awful piece and you wonder whether they would have had the guts to publish something similar on Mohammed. What strikes you as you read it, is that this is purely the author's subjective...