

Editors' Note: Dr. C. John Collins has offered this response to Dr. Richard Belcher, Jr.'s article recently published on reformation21. Click here to read that article. C. JOHN COLLINS Reply to Richard Belcher, "Did Adam and Eve Really Exist? A review": Reformation21 article, February 2012 Let me...
In our final installment of this series, we will look at Paul's final qualification for us to think about when selecting elders. The Apostle's last instruction has to do not with what the church thinks of the man, but what those outside the church think of the man. Why would it be important for...
Scott Oliphint
There are a multitude of ways that one can defend the Christian faith. My last post was meant to highlight one way, a way that has enormous cultural, political, and social implications. It has those implications because it is fundamentally gospel-centered and gospel driven; its focus is not on the...
Paul Levy
I'm delighted that Paul has given me this opportunity to tell you about something new that I think our movement is becoming, in lots of ways it's not our movement it's getting in line with the Missio Dei. The movement is His. Well, here's the big news today aswell as informing you how to...
Dr. Steve Lawson, one of our speakers for the first Texas Hill Country Bible Conference, will be speaking to KSLR in San Antonio about the conference this afternoon at 2:30 PM local time. Click here to listen!
Paul Levy
Guest Post by Missional Max, who is a radical church planter into all things Missional: Struggling to get on board with God's mission? Find it hard to take opportunities to speak about the radical kingdom? Haven't brought anyone to Christ in the last 3 days? Fed up with tradition? Want to live...
Paul Levy
Whilst on holiday I read a great book on boxing: 'The Four Kings' , by George Kimbrall, whcih recalls the careers of Roberto 'Hands of Stone' Duran, Thomas 'Hitman' Hearns, 'Sugar' Ray Leonard and the 'Marvellous' Marvin Hagler, documenting the remarkable effect they had on boxing. It's a great...
A friend just asked about Andrew Fuller, one of the leading lights of the 18th and 19th century Particular Baptists, and a man to be reckoned with in any age. Mention of Fuller always brings to mind one of his most memorable and - for me - compelling counsels. He wrote: It is to be feared the old...
Paul Levy
Whilst I was away I received news that the Archbishop of the FIEC John 'Shakin' Stevens has succumbed to blogging - Dissenting Opinion . It looks very interesting indeed, a mixture of news, comment, theological comment, excellent expository thoughts and of course FIEC propaganda.
Paul Levy
Brian Maiden, Brian who?!? Brian is the minister of Parr Street Evangelical Chruch in Kendal, Cumbria. He trained at London Bible College in the 60s; the same era as people like Terry Virgo and Peter Lewis. He was a minister in Stockport but has been in Kendal for about 15 years. You've probably...