

Many of you have no doubt seen the burgeoning YouTube sensation by this point. Our friend Burk Parsons of Tabletalk provides a helpful corrective at reformation21. Enjoy!
Paul Levy
There have been a few reviews written of Engaging with Lloyd Jones ( here , here and here ) and we await Trueman's piece, but, in December, Evangelical Press brought out a lovely little biography of Lloyd Jones written by Eryl Davies which has gone largely unnoticed. If you've not read any...
Paul Levy
In the coming weeks there are two events I'm involved with. If you're around feel free to come along. The first is the Eccentrics conference organised by my FIEC loving brother . The conference has moved from Hebron Hall to the greatest city in the world, Swansea. It'll be held at Mount Pleasant...
No, not "rest and relaxation." Rather, "reflect and repent." The New Year gives us time to do both. I was exhorted to these twin graces after hearing two (outstanding) sermons by Pastor Charles Biggs this past weekend. A good place to start the true "R&R" process is the Sermon on the Mount...
Paul Levy
An astute reader has also noticed that there are no Carl Trueman books stocked at the Met Tab bookshop , however they do have the titles written by the wife of the Westminster librarian.
Paul Levy
Joel Beeke in his excellent little book 'The Family at Church' tells us ''People should pray for things great and small. They should pray for the glory of God, the growth of His people, the conversion of sinners and worldwide revival. They should pray for their ministers and missionaries and...
Paul Levy
I've been asked by email where I'd recommend buying books from. It's not that easy in the UK as most Christian bookshops now specialise in cards and dodgy Christian music. In London, incredible though it is to think it, there is the Met Tab Bookshop, Protestant Truth Bookshop and after that you're...
Paul Levy
The Guardian reports that the Bible becomes 2011 bestseller in Norway ''There were people sleeping outside the day before the launch because it was embargoed - it's a bit ironic seeing that the content has been available for quite some time now.''
Paul Levy
If you missed the Queen's speech on Christmas Day, it really is worth watching, I never thought I'd write that.... ''God sent into the world a unique person neither a philosopher nor a general important though they are, but a Saviour with the power too forgive....''
It was forty years ago today (December 28, 1971) that I became a Christian. My conversion was Saul-like: sudden, unexpected, and decisive. I was eighteen, a freshman at university studying physics and math at the University of Wales, Aberystwyth. I was not raised in a religious home. My memory...