

Rodney Trotter
Well, death is the final frontier but the resurrectional power of attractional-missional Christianity should not be underestimated. Some things just demand a return from the Other Side. So here I am, battered, beaten, with a slight touch of rigor mortis, but otherwise firing on all cylinders...
Paul Levy
For 2012 we are trying to get all the men in our church to learn the Westminster Shorter Catechism. Tonight we had a session where I give an introduction and tried to enthuse them with it. I've tried to pick up as many resources to help them but as far as I can see there isn't a modern accessible...
Check out Dr. Trueman's latest piece here
Paul Levy
In the endless pursuit of sermon illustrations for tomorrow I came across the inspiring story of Pandita Ramabai , Rowland Ward writes about her here
Carlton Wynne
As a supplement to Paul Levy's notice about Dr. Letham's book on union with Christ, readers of Ref21 might be interested in the audio of a fall conference held recently at Calvary Church of Amwell in Ringoes, New Jersey, called "Alive in Christ: Saving Union with Christ" (scroll to the bottom of...
Paul Levy
Admittedly the conference market is crowded and so organisers have got to do something special to try and attract people. Normally it's a big name or shots of people looking exultant at a previous conference. The T4G used the speakers playing basketball to pique interest. One innovative group of...
Paul Levy
I've been pointed to 6 bible studies Letham gave at Bethel Presbyterian Church, Cardiff on U nion with Christ .
Paul Levy
I'm really looking forward to Robert Letham's 'Union with Christ' . It's not reached the UK yet. On a popular level there's so little written on this subject, despite the furore surrounding it over the last few years. Reading Bob Letham is always refreshing; it's like taking a good, hot bath. To...
Thabiti Anyabwile
A little while back, one of the Ref21 bloggers began a series I'd hoped they would continue. It was a periodic quote from someone in Presbyterian history, modeled I think on Pyromaniac's daily dose of Spurgeon. I'm no scholar of Presbyterian history, but this morning I read a wonderful sermon from...
Because if you are, Westminster Theological Seminary is offering scholarships . A number of us here at ref21 are either current or former PhD students at WTS and I think we can all attest to what a blessing it has been to our ministries to have studied there. Added bonus: confirming that Trueman...