

Click here for the audio of Dr. Trueman's (excellent) lecture on the King James Bible, given at Westminster Seminary's Library yesterday. The title alone should whet your appetite: "Throwing the Book at His Enemies: King James I and His Bible"
Carlton Wynne
[Editor's Note: This is the first post Rev. Wynne wrote in response to Dr. Evans, which was inadvertently removed last week. We repost it here in its entirety.] Dr. Evans has recently graced this forum with some thought provoking comments on the Scriptural doctrine of perspicuity and the church's...
Carlton Wynne
I want to thank Dr. Evans for his extended and thoughtful response to my recent post on Scripture and the ancient Near East. In that post , I expressed my concern that his appeals to ANE data for reading Genesis 1 imputed error to the writers of Scripture in their expressed understanding of the...
William B. Evans
There have been a number of responses to my recent Ref21 posts on creation and confessional hermeneutic. Some have been little more than disappointing expressions of the old "slippery slope" and "camel's nose under the edge of the tent" argument, as if a non-literal reading of Genesis 1 may lead...
Paul Levy
Yesterday I went out for coffee with a new guy in our church. He was asking about what I'd been reading and, for some unknown reason, I started to talk to him about the whole James Macdonald/ TD Jakes gate. It was like an epiphany moment in lots of ways. I began talking about the gospel coalition,...
Paul Levy
They were dark days indeed, I was new to the church. Those of you who've been young ministers know what it's like, I wanted to get alongside my elders, it was weakness I readily admit. It was Cranmer-esque but I've repented no longer will I make such idle boasts such as 'if England win the World...
William B. Evans
Some of the issues persistently raised in recent discussions of controversial matters within the conservative Reformed community have to do with the role and interpretation of confessional materials. Whether it be discussions pro and con of Federal Vision attempts to read the Westminster Standards...
Iain D Campbell
First of all, apologies for my absence from this blog for the past few months. You seem to have managed without me. Second, apologies for not realising until today that Geoffrey Grogan, former lecturer in London Bible College (now London School of Theology) and latterly Principal of the Bible...
Paul Levy
It's a great day to be a Welshman in England married to an Northern Irish lady. Congrats to Mr Trueman, I think England overstretched themselves by getting to the quarters.
Zeal for Godliness Devotional Meditations from Calvin's Institutes (Evangelical Press) The year-long series of blog entries taken from Calvin's Institutes on Ref21 during 2009 is now available as a book. With contributions from Sinclair Ferguson, Ligon Duncan, Carl Trueman, Phil Ryken, Guy Waters,...