

William B. Evans
My friend and ARP ministerial colleague, the Rev. Matt Miller, has responded over on the Aquilareport to my recent post here on " Perspicuity, Exegetical Populism, and Tolerance ." I have no particular interest in getting into a public debate about young-earth creationism per se, as the exegetical...
Paul Levy
THe last couple of days have seen classic Reformation 21 paradoxes. The combination of Carl Trueman putting the knife in to our multi site friends allied to Steve Nicholl's subtle self promotion couched in 'Start planning for Reformation Day' (which is when and what on earth is it? is it like...
Stephen Nichols
It's fall, which means it's time to get ready for Reformation Day. If you'd like some activities for the weekend events, check out some of the resources my artist friend Ned Bustard put together at There you will find "pin the beard on the theologian," a Luther maze, and...
William B. Evans
Let me begin by saying that I greatly value my friend G. I. Williamson's lengthy legacy of faithful parish ministry and service to the broader church. One of the happier memories of my years of involvement in NAPARC was chairing a committee that oversaw the translation into Spanish and publication...
Paul Levy
Next Wednesday (28 Sept) Mike Reeves is speaking at the West London Ministry afternoon, it's held at Duke Street Church , Richmond from 1.15-4.4.15. Mike will be speaking on 'The Love of Christ' The sessions are aimed at ministers and church staff but there's no bouncers on the door to keep the...
Paul Levy
This is fantastic stuff. The BBC reports Euan Murray's refusing to play on Sundays in the Rugby World Cup for Scotland here . He says ''It's basically all or nothing, following Jesus. I don't believe in pick 'n' mix Christianity.''
I'll be on the Janet Medford show tomorrow (Thursday) at 1 PM CST discussing the book I edited a couple years ago, Atonement . You can catch it online here .
On Wednesday and Thursday of this week, Cumberland Valley Bible Book Service have their annual book sale. I am informed of an additional 10% off already discounted prices. Thus, David Murray's new book "How Sermons Work" is $4.50 instead of $9.99. See here:
Paul Levy
Gospel-licious. Our church is a gospel church that is gospel crazy for gospel living. We believe that gospel discipleship makes gospel people who create gospel change and gospel dynamics. We believe in gospel administration for gospel organising. Gospel youth work is essential for gospel kids. A...
Paul Levy
There's a fascinating article on the Briefing site here regarding Protestant tribes in the UK. Tim Thornborough writes up Pete Brierley's research, it's interesting to note that the Briefing finds itself in the growing and mainly positive generous 'conservative non separatist evangelical' while...