

Thabiti Anyabwile
Brother, I couldn't help but chuckle and mount a quiet defense on behalf of all my Jackson, MS Presbyterian friends when I read in Kathryn Stockett's The Help : "Hilly hands out lies like the Presbyterians hand out guilt...." What? Whoa! In my friend Lig's back yard?! Where's the love? And grace?
Carlton Wynne
It will be no surprise to students of church history that God has often used theological challenges, even attacks on biblical truth, from both inside and outside the church, to spur epochal advances in Christians' understanding and explanation of the teaching of Scripture. The doctrines of the...
Teach Them the Faith CD by Dan and Karen Vitco Dan and Karen Vitco of Matthews, North Carolina, have produced this wonderful CD for young children based on the Shorter Catechism. With music that complements the text and some memorable melodies, this CD is bound to aid parents in the all-important...
Paul Levy
Over at the Wanderer Jeremy Walker is doing a series of posts on the A-Z of books on Pastoral Ministry. Believe it or not Jeremy is only in his 30s, the reason I say that being he's read more books than most of us will in two lifetimes, also his prose at times belies a love for all things Banner of...
Paul Levy
Occasionally I have been accused of insensitivity by some of the readers of Reformation 21 and others. I was delighted to read of William Booth the founder of the Salvation Amy who takes it to a whole new level..... ''In any event, he was clearly a man of profound insensitivity. No other assessment...
William B. Evans
Again I want to express my thanks to my good friend Sean Lucas for his careful contributions to this important discussion. Before audience fatigue sets in completely I do want to respond briefly to three issues he raises in his most recent post . First, I'm happy to see that Sean and I agree that...
Sean Lucas
I had actually thought about writing a further contribution to this entire conversation on sanctification and the Gospel prior to reading Bill Evans' thoughtful surrejoinder . I decided to plunge ahead with a concluding note in part because of something that I noticed repeatedly in my emails and in...
William B. Evans
I want to thank my good friend Sean Lucas for his Reformation21 rejoinder to my previous post. We have corresponded privately on this issue, but given the prominence of this internet discussion, I also think that a public response is warranted. First, let me say that I appreciate both Sean's...
Paul Levy
I concur with what Carl has written regarding the riots. 2 London nonconformist ministers had letters printed in the national papers over the weekend which was encouraging. Gerard Hemmings a minister in Twickenham had this letter printed in T he Telegraph on 9th Aug...... SIR - Having taught our...
Rick Phillips
Some recent posts address the important discussion taking place together regarding the relationship of justification to sanctification (see here and here ). This topic is crucial to us getting the gospel right today while avoiding the deadly extremes of antinomianism (a lawless Christianity) and...