

Sean Lucas
I am so thankful that my friend Bill Evans has waded into the important historical and theological conversation on sanctification. There is so much good and right with his piece on "Sanctification and the Nature of the Gospel" that I hesitate to offer a rejoinder to it. After thinking about it over...
William B. Evans
As one who has been studying the peculiar history of Reformed soteriology (i.e., the doctrine of salvation) for a number of decades now, I have followed some recent blog exchanges with considerable interest. In a stimulating piece available on the Christianity Today online site, Jason B. Hood took...
Del informs me that Trotter has been "rapping" again. This time, on the Trinity. He's teamed up with Colin Buchanan , the Australian musician and lover of Reformed doctrine on a CD called "God Rock". Rumor has it that the two of them are hoping to make millions from the "movie rights." You can...
The recent appointment of Ann Coulter to the GOProud advisory council will no doubt cause much controversy. However, I think it simply demonstrates what many evangelicals will likely be uncomfortable admitting: many so-called "conservatives" like Coulter are cultural conservatives. And so are many...
Rick Phillips
I am occasionally asked whether or not we should always add the words "if it is Your will" to our prayers. This is a good question, since the apostle James' taught us to say, "If the Lord wills, we will live and do this or that" (Ja. 4:15). James was concerned that Christians not pray boastfully or...
There are at least two things that the world at large should know about the Rev. Dr. Trueman. First, he does not have fangs, does not make cuddly puppies run in the opposite direction, and shows signs of having smiled before. So much so is this the case, that, judging by my 4-year old daughter's...
Carlton Wynne
Lately I've been sleeping less to get more done, and therefore feel drained in the doing; so I sleep more and get less done, but worry that I need to work faster. It's a vicious cycle I'm sure many reading this have experienced. Reading through some old notes on Calvin's Institutes made me realize...
A lengthy obituary of John Stott has appeared in the British newspaper, The Daily Telegraph . See here .
"Any theology which cannot be communicated as gospel is of minimal value." So wrote John Stott ( Culture and the Bible [IVP, 1981], 38). And as I now think about the massive contribution he made to twentieth century evangelicalism, it is his communication of the gospel that comes to mind. His...
I have just learned of the death of John Stott. He was ninety years old. I will reflect on this tomorrow, but the fact that I have been walking with Christ for the past forty years is entirely due (from a human point of view) to John Stott. It was through reading his book Basic Christianity in 1971...