

Rodney Trotter
Step aside, all you who have personal websites which have sidebar columns with titles like `What Great Things Famous People Are Saying About Me!'. Christian Smith, Professor of Sociology at Notre Dame, is starting a new trend in self-promotion: reviewing his own book for Amazon and giving it five...
Sean Lucas
A couple of days ago, I began a series of reflections on lessons that I have been learning as I've worked on the history of First Presbyterian Church, Jackson, Mississippi, which will celebrate its 175th anniversary next year. Here are a couple of more. 3. The lesson of "a few good men" One of the...
Sean Lucas
As I've mentioned before, I'm working on the history of First Presbyterian Church in Jackson, Mississippi. It has been a rich honor to do this work, to tell the story of one of the leading churches of southern Presbyterianism. As I've been plugging away, several lessons have been emerging for me (...
It's summer madness. No, Not the umpteen requests to join Google+ (please, what is this?). It's a record burning bits of the Bible. I blame it on the heat, except this is North Wales and one Rector Geraint ap Iorwerth has been burning pages of the King James Bible in its 400th anniversary year...
I guess it was always coming: a Bible with Carl Trueman's name on it. After all, what else would you expect from someone who has systematically trashed all claims to fame and notoriety? The ultimate in self-effacing, Jesus-like kenosis... here . Complete with Lord-of-the-Rings edging, I see. My...
Just as my ego is in the ascendancy, I come across John Calvin's comment on Psalm 84:10, "I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of wickedness": 'He would rather be cast into a common and unhonored place, provided he were among the people of God, than exalted...
Rodney Trotter
After all, it takes a huge amount of time and energy to think up all those names and open all those Twitter accounts. But, hey, love is..... not allowing your husband to look like Billy No Mates.
Trotter, sleuth of News International, is under investigation for hacking into my Twitter account only to discover my non-celebrity status at an all time low. What? I have no followers, not even one? Not even my wife? Or Jake (my dog)? Today, I find I have over two thousand -- Lemmings one and all...
Rev Boadicea von Ribbentrop
At last, somebody has had the courageous and brilliant insight that the Emerging Church conversation is just that -- an endless conversation. You can read all about it here and even join the conversation!! My only criticism is that the person who wrote it seems to be somebody of male persuasion,...
Rodney Trotter
In my new role as Twittfinder General, I was shocked when Derek Thomas confessed during his ordeal by water that he has been dabbling in the Dark Arts for some months now. But, the man pleaded in mitigation, he has absolutely no followers, no, not even one of them mad fellas, Ted, as Fr. Dougal...