

Paul Levy
Andy Christofides was a student worker during my brief stay at university, the man is an all time great, his capacity to watch test cricket is unrivalled, his knowledge of Star Trek unsurpassed, his patience with idiots like myself remarkable, his ability on the football field very poor. Andy is...
Iain D Campbell
Tyndale House have an interesting collection of theological and other resources available here . Worth a browse!
Rodney Trotter
It's difficult to tell because of the wide brimmed hat, but this looks as if it could be one of the usual Welsh suspects -- Del, Levy or even Martin `Witchfinder General' Downes. As they say, money doesn't buy you class -- particularly in Wales.
Paul Levy
Over the next few weeks I've got a number of outside speaking engagements. I try to bunch them together in one or two week blocks a couple of times a year. I always feel slightly uncomfortable when it comes to being paid. I have a good friend who recently spoke at a large conference (not the one...
Iain D Campbell
First off, I must apologise for my absence since last July, due to personal circumstances which are only now easing and allowing me back into my routine. Well done to the other seem to have done well enough without me. I have just been attending the closing ceremony of the...
Stephen Nichols
In about an hour and some, it will be official. He will now be Dr. Keith Getty as he is receiving an honorary doctorate from my humble institution, Lancaster Bible College, at our commencement today at 2:00. This is one commencement speaker who will be sure to hold our interest. Rumor has it that...
Paul Levy
I'm reading God so loved, he gave by Kelly Kapic which I'll write something on later but found this incredible quote from Melito of Sardis who I am sure you are all familiar with. ''Asking his congregation who it was that died on the cross? ''Who was it? It is a heavy thing to say, and a most...
Thabiti Anyabwile
Despite the very brief cameo in the T4G video, Piper not only played but actually carried our team on his offensive shoulders. In the end, we took a beating, but our scrappy little guard gave a valiant effort with an otherwise lackluster supporting cast (self included). And, though well-known for...
Rodney Trotter
In response to Levy, I can only comment that basketball is not a sport. By definition, something cannot be a sport if (a) every time you get the ball you score and (b) it is played by Mark Dever.
Paul Levy
I don't want to bring up the whole celebrity conference speaker turf war again but my attention was drawn to the latest T4G conference video (the conference itself looks very good indeed). It's a basketball game of the various speakers, Ligon Duncan running around is a sight to behold but according...