

Paul Levy
Adrian Reynolds points us to the Rich book and my good friend David Gibson now tells me that the Rich brand is extending to a course that can be accessed here . Hopefully we'll get videos and t shirts, even mugs of the Rich course in the future. In all seriousness the course does look quite good...
Paul Levy
J. Graham Miller was a minister, missionary and Theological College principal. A New Zealander by birth, he lived in Australia and the New Hebrides. The Banner of Truth have published his autobiography, 'A day's march nearer home' which is a lovely read. It has been published after his death and so...
Ligon Duncan
Some readers of ref21 may know that Derek Thomas, the Editorial Director of the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals, who also serves at the John E. Richards Professor of Systematic and Practical Theology at Reformed Theological Seminary in Jackson and Minister of Teaching at the First Presbyterian...
William B. Evans
Is Matthew 18:15-20 currently the most abused text in Scripture? A ministerial colleague recently called my attention to a fine piece by D. A. Carson in Themelios entitled "Editorial on Abusing Mathew 18" here . Carson makes at least two points that are of considerable importance in the current...
Paul Levy
Richard Perkins (the urban pastor not the puritan) points us to this article from the Independent on Christians in finance and the place of workplace ministry. It's a fascinating piece on the pressure Christians face in work. Perks blog is worth checking out full of interesting stuff, he's caught a...
Our good friends at Christ the Center very kindly did some broadcasts from PCRT Philadelphia last weekend. Click here to listen to the crew discuss Biblical manhood and womanhood. A great addition to a great event!
Paul Levy
Forget flexing your muscles! I had an email from the Banner of Truth to say that JC Ryle's expository thoughts on the gospels is going to be published in hardback with the type reset. It should be available later this year. Happy Days! They are also in the process of scanning the banner magazine...
Paul Levy
Today I call on the readers of Reformation 21 to flex their online muscles. I am asking the Banner of Truth for two things; not that they republish ''Among the Soviet Evangelicals'', nor that they bring back the Scottish tourist board covers, not even that they invite Carl Trueman to speak at their...
Paul Levy
After the services on Sunday I was asked two remarkable questions. The first one was having preached on Matthew 28:1-10 . What evidence do I have that Mary Magdalene was sad at the crucifixion, as there are no verses which seem to speak of her emotions at that point? Am I just not reading into the...
One of the things Christians are increasingly hearing from secular critics is that Christianity is not only wrong, but evil; it's false but also immoral. One of the best responses to this phenomena is a recent book by the guys over at Triablogue, entitled The Infidel Delusion . One thing the author...