

Paul Levy
This article from the BBC has a lot of common sense missing from Christian circles on forgiveness. There's also nonsense in the article about forgiving yourself and so forgiving others. It makes the wonder of the gospel even more stark that God ''will forgive their wickedness and remember their...
Paul Levy
It's hardly Keats or TS ELliott but in going through an old Rutherford journal I found this. It's slightly dated as no one in their right mind would say lock a minister up with his computer today, this blog is proof positive of that. Fling him into his room, then tear the "Office" sign from the...
Paul Levy
There are very few books I get to read twice. Me and Mrs L got away for a couple of days this week and I took with me Grace, Grit and Gumption by Geraint Fielder. It tells the story of 3 evangelists in Wales at the turn of the 20 th century. John Pugh and the Joshua brothers. I read it over 10...
William B. Evans
While some have thought that what has been termed the "battle for the Bible" was successfully concluded in evangelical circles almost three decades back, there can be little doubt at this point that the doctrine of Scripture is now a front-burner issue among American Evangelicals. In particular,...
Thabiti Anyabwile
Perhaps, Carl, this will work as a solution to all this celebrity pastor business. Here's a comment from a reader at the blog: All this talk about British versus American. Take the perfect compromise - become Canadian. No celebrities here. When Canadians become famous it is because they have gone...
Carlton Wynne
Each Easter week, the media reminds us that it, too, operates by a church calendar of sorts, returning like a carousel at this time of year to spin out a spate of speculative stories about the life of the human Jesus, the manuscripts of the Bible, or the claim of the resurrection. Journalists and...
Thabiti Anyabwile
I knew I should have left Carl alone! I knew I was making a mistake. Thirty-two seconds after my original post he responded with a 55-point rebuttal. The man has more counter-points at the ready than Amilda Marcos had shoes... or Lady Gaga has dresses. And on top of that, he brings in Bavinck...
Paul Levy
Not wishing to interrupt Carl and Thabiti - 'Hear no evil and See no evil'. I remember reading this about Schaeffer and VIP treatment On another but related note our congregation is about to be launch out on a building project and so we need to raise some money. Our church was planted out of the...
Thabiti Anyabwile
Who in their right minds would do a little "push back" with Carl Trueman??? Okay, there's my disclaimer. Right up front: I'm not in my right mind. This is crazy. Really. It's stupid. He'd hate my saying it, but Carl Trueman is one really, really smart dude. If I were sensible, I'd leave this alone...
Rodney Trotter
As recently as yesterday, Ref21 received an inquiry as to whether Paul Levy was historical or merely the literary construct of Second Temple Judaism as a means of explaining the reality and all-pervasiveness of evil. Hey, if it works for you..... It is with much regret and sorrow that Ref21...