

Paul Levy
Probably the greatest preacher of the 20th century but also possibly the worst documentary presenter in history can be viewed here Dr Lloyd Jones is so wooden in this video he makes Derek Thomas and Jeremy Smith look like Larry King and Piers Morgan.
Ligon Duncan
What is the preacher to do with hell and eternal punishment? In our day and age these truths strike some as comical and others as cruel. To some, hell is a joke. It's about little devils in red tights (so teach the cartoonists). It's a place where illicit pleasures are indulged (if we believe the...
After a great time in Portland, PCRT heads to Grand Rapids this weekend (March 18-20). Be on the lookout for some postings here about all things PCRT! You can always register online here for any location.
Paul Levy
I've been doing some work in Romans and between Christopher Ash's 2 volume 'Teaching Romans' and James Philip's 'The Power of God' not much else is needed. James Philip's book is out of print and has been for over 20 years. It seems to me it is criminally negligent of publishers to let books like...
Paul Levy
Where was Rob Bell last Monday at 1.30pm? Somebody crashed into my car and drove off while I was shopping on the Greenford Avenue Co-Op. Anyway in our house-group, during the prayer time, we have banned the 'I'm tired' prayer request. I can't remember the last time I met someone who isn't tired. It...
Rodney Trotter
Well, Mrs Trotter and myself have been most astonished at the, umm, astonishment that Rob Bell has apparently come out as a universalist. Indeed, the fact that Zondervan has now apparently broken ties with the chap shows what a stunning change of direction this is for the young theologian. Who...
Liam Goligher
Just yesterday someone told me of a sincere and well-meaning Christian family who forbid their children from reading Harry Potter books and who buy them Rob Bell's Nooma Videos to watch instead. What is particularly galling about that is that Harry Potter is relatively harmless to the discerning...
Rodney Trotter
Todd Pruitt has spotted ref21's favourite cutting-edge pastor setting the world to rights again. Yes, `the thinking man's Paul Levy' has decided that he hates haters -- which leaves him with something of an aesthetic/moral paradox, I guess. Great suit, shirt and teeth, though.
William B. Evans
I probably should begin this post by establishing my "traditional worship" bona fides. My tastes in worship are decidedly traditional--my wife and I attend a church with a pipe organ where the organ is used . . . every Sunday . . . and a classic Presbyterian order of worship is followed, complete...
Sean Lucas
While the internet has rocked with information about a prominent minister who has denied the reality of hell, being more historically minded, I couldn't help but think about David Swing. Most people don't know who David Swing was--but in the 1870s and 1880s, David Swing was the most popular...