

Paul Levy
On Sunday night I was preaching on the other side of London. For all the talk of urban ministry and the need to plant in city centres nobody ever talks about the traffic. Two hours to travel 8 miles!! If all of creation is moving towards living in a city someone has to sort out the congestion. One...
Stephen Nichols
A few years ago, I taught a course on Jonathan Edwards at London Theological Seminary. I saw Stephen Nichols on the roster, thinking it was I. Turns out, it was a student named Stephen Nichols. Stephen, who grew up in London and was a member of John Stott's church, was beginning his PhD work. He...
Rodney Trotter
First, the Reformation 21 Department for Creative Ridiculing of the Faithful wants to scotch rumours that this person is the product of its members' fevered imaginations. Yes, it is true: he embodies all of the things Trueman most admires: the soul patch (or `imperial' as Michael Haykin likes to...
Paul Levy
There are few things that get the Levy blood boiling like weekends away. I live on the outskirts of London. It's glorious suburbia with a bit of an edge - but not much. Lots of people in our church who work in the centre of town have about an hour on the tube into work each day. That's great...
Paul Levy
I spent Monday this week back in Wales at a ministers' conference. It's something that my more famous brother runs. It's entitled the Eccentrics Conference (partly to mock the slightly pompous Eclectics Conference that used to take place). It's really a gathering of old friends who are now in the...
Kindle (or Ipad) users will be interested to see that Amazon have now released an e-version of Carl Trueman's "The Real Scandal of the Evangelical Mind" (Moody) here for a buck and a half. Who said Carl wasn't cheap?
Rick Phillips
By now most of our readers will have heard that our own fellow-blogger here at Ref21, Laim Goligher, has received and accepted a call to the pulpit of Tenth Presbyterian Church. As part of the extended Tenth community, I am simply delighted and grateful to God for this outstanding choice...
Stephen Nichols
After going months without seeing Carl Trueman, I get to see him two times this month. Last Sunday he preached at my home church (Thanks for the sermon, Carl.) and in a bit he and I will be joining in with R C Sproul for a conference in Florida . Since I spent a few hours shoveling snow this...
Del Boy
Stuck in snow and ice in South Carolina, I've been ruminating Paul's New Year missive about the Brits in America, with its sordid plot line of filthy lucre and their collective misguided, duplicitous claims of divine guidance when, if truth be told, it's all about the gold. His accusations are not...
Rodney Trotter
Paul missed the two key tracks on Trueman's iPod before his move: `If I Were a Rich Man' by Topol, and `Sailing to Philadelphia' (the reference to Knopfler last week surely being a Freudian slip). Of course, rumour has it that T was also persuaded that his future lay elsewhere because of Paul's...