

Michael Haykin's latest book (just out, Crossway), Rediscovering the Church Fathers , is very welcome indeed. Some will recall Ligon Duncan's masterful address at the last T4G Conference (and the blog frenzy that followed it) in which he not only addressed the value of Patristic study, but also...
Guest blogger
Steve Lawson: All in the Family For the final address - and the Sunday morning sermon - Steve Lawson expounded from Galatians 6:10, "So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith." Lawson tackled this passage with three points...
Paul Levy
Gary Brady is a prolific blogger and can be found here . Amidst the many interesting series he has done on such profound subjects as famous ducks, monsters his family have drawn over Christmas time and moustache styles is a series on forewords written by Martyn Lloyd Jones. There are 29 and they...
Rev Boadicea von Ribbentrop
....since I posted anything or anyone mentioned Lady Gaga on the ref21 page. Thus, in the interest of smashing the default chauvinist consensus so offensively articulated by the Trinity of Evil, Trueman, Trotter, and Levy, I am back by popular demand (thanks, for writing in, mum!). Further, in...
Guest blogger
Rick Phillips: The Family Privileges Working from Luke 11:11-13, and other texts, Rick Phillips taught us about the tremendous privileges of being adopted into God's family. The first such privilege is the tender care we receive from our Father. Rick reflected on the relationship between earthly...
Guest blogger
Derek Thomas: Behold, What Love! In a warm, passionate manner, Derek Thomas introduced us to the doctrine of adoption. A quote from Calvin helped set the tenor for the address, "the first title of the Spirit is the Spirit of sonship." Thomas helped us understand that while the Fatherhood of God is...
Guest blogger
We just finished up a convicting, encouraging pre-conference. In a manner similar to a good hard run, I was simultaneously exhausted and refreshed at the end of it - but in my spirit rather than my body. Rick Phillips led us through an exploration of the image of God as reflected in gender. Drawing...
Guest blogger
Why should you come to PCRT Grand Rapids ? The doctrine of adoption is a truth that many Christians overlook. After all, what could be more astonishing - more unbelievable - than the great fact that the doctrine of adoption teaches: a holy God adopt a rebel sinner like us as His beloved children...
Paul Levy
You may think by my post below that I'm critical of Del and Jez and their tv show, what I'm actuallly advocating is we want more, more, more. Let's have special guests, how about a cooking feature, why not get Trueman in as the politics advisor, what about music features? I'd be happy to be the UK...
Rodney Trotter
Paul Levy's unwarranted attack on the camera presence of Derek and Jeremy is gratuitous and hurtful. Here is an excellent video the Magnificent Two made some time ago, for the Alliance, on how to protect oneself in the rough and tumble of an inner city urban church-planting environment. Regular...