

Paul Levy
I enjoyed reading about the Carl and Mike love in at New Word Alive, 2 celebrity speakers hanging round together, it reminded me of when they first met you can watch it here Mike is the in the hat, somewhat taller now and with glasses and Carl is the one behind the counter, those who know him will...
William B. Evans
The recent spate of blog posts on various sites in response to Ligon Duncan's "Bavinck vs. Nevin" post here on the Ref21 blog suggests that this is a discussion whose time has come. I can't help but note, however, that some have sought to spin this as a debate between "confessionalists" and "...
Paul Levy
Total church, pure church, simple church, gospel centred church, purpose driven church, everyday church, messy church, Spirit filled church, vintage church, mission shaped church. Doing church is the funky thing to publish books on but I think I've cracked something in looking at Mark 4:27 in the...
Guest blogger
NOTE: Our guest blogger is Rev. Charlie Abbate, pastor of Cornerstone Orthodox Presbyterian Church in Ambler, Pennsylvania. "Well what's going to happen to her?" I asked. "You know what'll happen to her," my wife answered back. "Then we're going to host this girl." At that moment, my wife and I...
Paul Levy
In the last couple of days I've read through 'John Stott - A portrait by his friends' , edited by Chris Wright and published by IVP. There are some fascinating insights into the man and it's an excellent read. I profoundly disagree with Stott's ecclesiology. Unlike my friend and Anglican...
Paul Levy
News has reached us in the UK that just when you thought it was safe to go back into the Christian bookstore, there's another festschrift in the water weighing in at 400 pages! This time it's DA Carson's turn. It's surely well deserved and the man has done great things. His commentaries are...
Sean Lucas
In his introduction to the Psalter, Calvin discusses truly Reformed worship and contrasts it with the worship practices of the Roman church. In that context, he says the following: "Now this cannot be done unless we are taught to understand everything which has been ordained for our use. For to say...
Check out Rick Phillips talking about PCRT here this past Thursday on the Mark Daniels Show here in Philadelphia. You can register here for PCRT Philly!
Paul Levy
I love Jonathan Fletcher, he's the minister of Emmanuel Church, Wimbledon, which is one of the finest churches in London. He is one of my favourite preachers and is an all round good laugh. Plus he's come from a terribly poor working class background and had to work his way up from nothing. Anyway...
Paul Levy
It's great to see Del quoting the Black eyed peas, I'm suitably rebuked and what could be more apt in this discussion than the words from the named work where is the Love? But if you only have love for your own race Then you only leave space to discriminate And to discriminate only generates hate...