

Paul Levy
David Meredith affectionately known as ''Megadeath'' to his friends interviews Sinclair Ferguson here . He's also interviewed Helen Roseveare - both are well worth watching. Smithton's website is fantastic when our church grows up I want it to have a website like Smithton's.
Since Trueman is showing some love to Cardinal Newman, click here for an excellent apologetics resource to answer the perennial questions Newman and his ilk raise against the Protestant canon - as well as more answers to other questions concerning this bedrock doctrine of Christianity. HT:...
Paul Levy
Carl will be appearing on QVC giving a number of gift recommendations in the coming days, I understand that Derek and Jeremy have graciously allowed the Ref 21 set to be used. Carl's easy going manner infront the camera as witnessed here is bound to be a hit. ''how about a little something for your...
Paul Levy
I have had the strangest week. On Friday I took the funeral of a very good friend who was a schizophrenic. I'm not sure whether he really was and he would always say to me he was in two minds about the diagnosis. He had many struggles in his life but the church loved him well for over 30 years. He...
William B. Evans
Last year about this time I wrote an article for this website entitled "Whither or Wither?: The Trials and Tribulations of the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church." In it I identified a number of challenges facing the ARP Church: an ongoing crisis of identity following the breakdown of the old...
Paul Levy
I'm a big fan of Bruce Waltke. I've never met the man but I love his Old Testament Theology. I have used his commentaries on Proverbs and Micah and with Kidner on Genesis you need nothing more. So when I saw he was bringing out a commentary on the Psalms I rejoiced. I waited till someone from my...
Paul Levy
I'm travelling home on the train from Edinburgh having spent the last 2 days at the Free Church Assembly in Edinburgh. I enjoyed the Assembly; it is quaint and old fashioned but very friendly. I was expecting to have to wade through an army of angry Psalm singers throwing hymn books at me as I...
Paul Levy
Affinity have produced the first online edition of their theological journal Foundations focussing on the Doctrine of Scripture, contributors include Carl Trueman, Hywel Jones, Martin Downes, Greg Beale plus others. Worth a look.
Iain D Campbell
This year's General Assembly is now in session. It can be viewed live on the Free Church of Scot,land website; at the very least you ought to read the Moderator's outstanding address on the Glory of Christ. Details at
I've been undercover for too long -- life having taken a sudden detour a couple of months ago when I decidedly recall saying "no" only to find that what I really meant was"yes". As most folk may know (at least those whose Facebook friends includes yours truly, -- everyone except Carl, that is), I...