

Having been silent for a while (a move to South Carolina, "God's Country" as it is known in these parts, rendered me comatose for a season) I have been reflecting on the issue of rebellion against authority. I am, of course, a Celt and rebellion is genetic. The reason for this diversion of though...
Rick Phillips
On July 4, our nation celebrates its independence with waving flags, picnics, and parades. Some churches deck their sanctuary with red, white, and blue, and devote the worship service to the honor of the state. Other Christians virtually ignore this or any other national holiday. This raises the...
Paul Levy
This past Sunday Dick Lucas preached for me at IPC. He comes and does 2 Sundays every year and it's a delight. There's always a fear in the back of my mind in inviting him. The worry is: has he lost it! The man is 85. He's been an all time great and has been used as a preacher to bring 100's to...
Paul Levy
A number of folk in our congregation are asking the question is it legitimate to strike. In the next few months this will become more of an issue in the UK. Richard Perkins has written a helpul piece here
Rodney Trotter
I hesitate to post this item from friend Jason Kirklin because I know that Levy's insatiable appetite for the new and innovative will almost certainly get this kid a gig at some outreach event at the Ealing IPC. But, Levy aside, this is surely enough to make even the most progressive worship leader...
Paul Levy
Derek is a two man, Sinclair is a two man, Ligon is a two man, CJ Mahaney has always got both hands in the air. All the greats were two men. Apparently Carl hasn't always been a one man either as this photo shows, supposedly Jeff Jue was coaching him for months to get it right!
Rodney Trotter
A small battle is starting to rage offline between Levy and Trueman as to how many hands are needed to pronounce the benediction at the end of the service. Trueman is a one-hand man, Levy a two. Apparently, Levy is so distressed at being effortlessly outclassed on the spiritual power front that he...
William B. Evans
I approached the 2011 meeting of the ARP General Synod with trepidation. As I have argued here , the ARP Church has recently been in the throes of an ecclesiological crisis. Fallout from the unsuccessful attempt to replace the existing Erskine College and Erskine Theological Seminary Board of...
Paul Levy
Ralph Davis is as good a preacher as it gets, if he writes it you should read it. I love the bones of the man. He was speaking in Australia recently where he was interviewed, you can read the whole thing here but these answers encouraged me in his approach to church life. Until recently he was the...
Paul Levy
There's a fascinating point 20 mins in to the Sinclair interview where David Meredith asks him about unction in preaching. Unction is like a wet bar of soap when people try to define it, growing up in Wales there were lots who claimed it but not many who demonstrated it! Sinclair has some...