

Paul Levy
I'm working my way through 'Communion with God' , the revamped version by Kelly Kapic and Justin Taylor. It's excellent. When you're as dopey as I am the Banner of Truth Gould edition makes you want to run to your mother and cry, it's so difficult to read. Kelly's introductory essay is particularly...
Sean Lucas
For a while now, I've been working with a theory for understanding religious controversy. While I've mainly thought about this theory as a historical explanation, it does have its contemporary application as well. Here it is: while most religious controversies center on doctrinal issues--and to be...
Roger Nicole died last Friday, two days after his 95th birthday. Justin Taylor has written some reflections here . We, at Reformation21, are grateful to God for a theological giant who did so much for the kingdom of God.
Ligon Duncan
I just got an email from my friend Chip Stam, who teaches at Southern Seminary. He says: "December 8 is the day on which Roman Catholics celebrate the Feast of the Immanculate Conception (the notion that Mary was born without sin. I am searching my Bible for any evidence of that---nothing yet!) Yes...
Frequent contributor to Ref21, Dr. John Ross, has written a personal reflection on the recent decision of the plenary Assembly of the Free Church of Scotalnd to abandon its commitment to the exclusive use of unaccompanied psalmody in public worship. Dr. Ross is an ordained minister of the Free...
Paul Levy
When I was growing up during the 1980s in Wales the preacher everybody loved probably more than any other was J Douglas Macmillan. I only heard him in the flesh a handful of times but each occasion is embedded in my memory. Probably the greatest evangelistic sermon I've ever heard was preached by...
Rodney Trotter
Ignoring Levy's whine about his picture not being on Ref21 (hey, I've been here since the start and still no picture) I do like his idea for fundraising. Perhaps we should have a raffle -- first prize, you can have Paul Levy preaching at your church for a Sunday; runner up prize -- you get him for...
Stephen Nichols
Our family visited a church plant in our presbytery yesterday. The church had been at it for a while in rented quarters and recently acquired a church building--a former German Reformed church way back in the day, that had long since come under the UCC (boy, that merger was a bad deal for the...
Paul Levy
I note with interest Justin Taylor's competition to raise cash for the Gospel Coalition , all power to his elbow. Here at Ref 21 we'll be coming up with a few fundraising ideas of our own over the next few days for the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals Here are some of the ways you can help - Buy...
Paul Levy
When I signed up for Reformation 21 my initial thought was free books; publishers will be sending them in from all over the place to get a plug on Ref 21. So far only my old friends David Gibson and Kelly Kapic have come up trumps with a few free books, so here's rewarding David...... Rich - The...