

Paul Levy
We have a phenomenon in the UK in church evangelism which I think has only happened in the last number of years. It's grown out of fine attempts to reach out to non Christians. We are bombarded as I'm sure you are in the US mainly by para church organisations telling us how irrelevant and boring...
Liam Goligher
On the eve of another Reformation Sunday we find ourselves still fighting for that principle which Calvin called the "main hinge on which religion turns" and which Luther called the mark of a standing or falling church, namely the doctrine of justification by faith alone in the imputed...
Fascinating day, partly because in the order of things, I had the day off. Carl Trueman gave a brilliant defense of Creeds and Confessions, so brilliant that it made the "no creed but the Bible" folk sound like the lunatic fringe. Then a tour of the Heidelberg Castle (destroyed during the thirty...
Paul Levy
I go away to the Algarve for a week of sunshine and tennis only to stumble back to Ref 21 and find that the whole thing has gone politics mad. Talk of the left and the right, Trueman trying to sell his new book on his third way. Derek's off to the Kremlin. The issue for me is why are so many...
Carlton Wynne
Can we learn something of how to preach from the Epistle to the Hebrews? We have heard that the first three rules for understanding a passage are "context, context, and context." Strange, then, isn't it, that the author of Hebrews introduces almost all of his thirty-plus explicit quotations from...
Justin Taylor
For those on Twitter, Lig has been posting quotes from the Lausanne Congress on World Evangelization. Go here:
Liam Goligher
A friend in London (Steve Clark) has alerted me to this week's New Scientist which is running a feature with a series of articles about morality, interviewing various 'luminaries' about its roots and developments (neuroscientists, philosophers, social anthropologists and the like). The main premise...
Rodney Trotter
Donald Miller's sensitive and thoughtful memoir which was, at one point, virtually a second Bible for all those cool Christians looking for anti-consumerist authenticity, is set to be filmed . I look forward to the usual spin offs -- Don Miller bobbleheads, video games, and tee-shirts (my `No Logo...
Gabe, I've been reading (again) Carl's Republocrat (P&R Publishing) and I'm struck by several things straight out of the gate. First of all, I'm struck by the fact that it is so controversial. Not that I find it controversial, or that most Christians outside the USA will find it so; neither is...
Liam Goligher
The Pope's recent visit, and the momentum towards appointing women bishops, seems to have nerved the faithful for action as three Bishops serve notice to Canterbury en route to Rome... here ... Ruth Gledhill writes: At least three serving Church of England bishops are to lead an exodus to the Roman...