

Paul Levy
I see from Liam's blog that John Piper has just had a volume of essays published in his honour. No doubt it's thoroughly deserved and scripture tells us to honour our leaders but I wonder 'of the making of festschrifts is there no end'. This week also sees another volume launched this time in...
Before Dr. Thomas and I begin our excursion into the often-imitated-never-duplicated world of Carl Trueman, I came across this passage in Dr. Paul Tripp's chapter for the upcoming Philadelphia Conference on Reformed Theology book (due out by this year's PCRT!). In applying 1 Peter 1:3-9, which...
Liam Goligher
The new Calvinists have now made it to the pages of the Economist - no doubt Dr. Trueman will have something to say about my reading habits........
Liam Goligher
I got back Monday morning from my first ever trip to Minneapolis MN. To the generation immediately before mine the name of that city is forever associated with the famous strapline: 'Just write to me at Billy Graham, Minneapolis Minnesota.' As a boy I was soooo (sorry I reverted to texting mode...
Unless you have been on vacation in the Outer Hebrides, you will know that Carl Trueman has been busy writing his latest book, Republocrat: Confessions of a Liberal Conservative (P & R). Gabe and I are going to blog about this book over the next few days. As a teaser, we recommend you watch the...
Paul Levy
According to the front page of Tuesday's Daily Telegraph 'Generation Y has no use for God.' 'Religion is largely irrelevant to most young people, who rely instead on a 'secular trinity' of themselves, their family and friends to give meaning to their lives.... people born after 1982 have only a ''...
Paul Levy
The bi-annual Affinity Theological Studies Conference will take place 2-4 February 2011 at High Leigh Conference Centre. It's a conference with a difference in that all the papers are sent out beforehand, a brief presentation is given then folk confer and discuss. It looks a cracking line up The...
Paul Levy
Monday mornings are pretty grim by all accounts, I preach twice a Sunday and most of the pastoral work actually gets done on Sundays. We try to fill the house with people so we can hospitable, it's terrific just plain exhausting. On Mondays at 8am my wife goes out to work (I know that means for...
Carlton Wynne
As any poker player knows (and I am not a poker player--I tend to steer clear of competitions where the victor takes home a bracelet ), the hand is over when all the cards have been dealt, all the bets have been called, the players' cards are turned over and they reveal who has won the pot. The...
Paul Levy
Why I love Americans . This is contextualisation at it's very best, to come to Wales and not have proper waterproofs is just terrific. It's like going to the North Pole and forgetting your gloves Come on Europe!!