

Liam Goligher
What John Knox did for Scotland is incalculable. By his fortitude, his integrity, and his passion for the gospel he forged a nation that loved the Bible, loved liberty, and influenced the world. For centuries after it was with pride that Scotsmen the world over spoke of their native country as 'the...
Liam Goligher
'A Planet inspired...' so ran one of the headlines in a British newspaper today as the world it seems caught up in the joy of families reunited after the long ordeeal of the men traapped in the Chilean mine. 'We were waiting for death, we were consuming ourselves,' said one of the men. Another said...
Liam Goligher
From what we are able to glean from the sparse sources of the preaching of the Celtic missionaries, a general pattern emerges. They were energetic and selfless evangelists who sought nothing for themselves but to spend and be spent in serving the Saviour. Mungo effectively brought Christianity to...
Liam Goligher
Elsewhere in the blogosphere there has been considerable chatter about the issue of what it is to be 'missional' arising out of Kevin DeYoung's excellent seminar at the Desiring God conference. He defined the mission of the church in these terms: The mission of the church is to go into the world...
Carlton Wynne
Now that B. B. Warfield's theology is back on the scene with Fred Zaspel's The Theology of B. B. Warfield: A Systematic Summary (Crossway), I thought I'd point out a few comments by the Lion of Princeton in his Collected Works on the faithful and fearless John Calvin. What struck me this week was...
Paul Levy
I've been doing some work on Communion with God and found these articles hidden away in the archive vaults of the OPC website. Craig Troxel is the minister of Bethel OPC , Wheaton and they are fantastic introductions. Communion with the Triune God Communion with the Father in love Communion with...
Paul Levy
Here's a video of Carl and I boxing which was taken a few years back. Carl has shed a few pounds since then, though he's not grown much. Admittedly he is academically more gifted than I but I think you'll agree he was taught a real lesson in pugilism.
Liam Goligher
Today I've been working on a lecture I'm due to give in Cambridge next Monday commemorating the 450th anniversary of the Scottish Reformation. Dairmid MacCulloch of Oxford University calls the Scottish Reformation the most successful of all the reformations of the period. It was driven primarily by...
Liam Goligher
I climbed into the cab the other day only to discover the driver (whose name sounded like snotter or rotter) is a bit of a Ref21 aficiendo. The traffic was thundering in London so it difficult to catch every word but he was commenting how he had noticed a broader perspective in the blog in recent...
Rodney Trotter
The idea for a Mother Levy Festschrift could certainly have some mileage. Here's a few more essay suggestions: Carl R. Trueman `New Cardinal Newman or George W. Bush Redivivus ? Critical Reflections on the Development of Paul Levy's Prose Style' Martin Downes `The Heresy of Heretics who Hold to...