

In recent years, the commitment of the Free Church of Scotland to exclusive, unaccompanied psalm-singing in "formal" worship services has wavered. The issue, understandably, has divided an already fractured church. The church has taken the unusual step of calling a plenary assembly to discuss the...
Paul Levy
I suspect the organisers of Lausanne would have no such problems with women bishops! The conspiracy of silence on Ruth Padilla's exposition on Ephesians 2 at Lausanne is deafening. As far as I can see Eph 2 is not hard to apply. In fact, I would say it is a model on how the epistles of Paul work...
The most postmodern of sins has to be hypocrisy - "being inauthentic," if we want to use quasi-Satre categories. We are quick to recognize it in others and, like most sins, slow - painfully slow - to recognise (HT: Carl on the spelling) it in ourselves. The opening chapter of Republocrat addresses...
Further to my blog entry below, Martin Downes has informed me that Charles Hodge's letter (in 1869) to Pius IX declining an invitation to attend the Vatican Council is now on-line here . To cite Hodge, "we are not heretics..."
Further to the blog entries by Carl and Paul, I note with some fascination the Canterbury trail is leading, well, to Rome. See here . It's curious: denials of doctrine seem to pass without too much difficulty, but a mere hint of women bring out the warrior spirit. Not that I'm saying the issue of...
Paul Levy
To follow up on my previous post I found an excellent interview with Ray Galea on Catholicism here .
Paul Levy
This academic year we've started a book of the month at our church. Each month we buy a load of copies, sell them off cheap, then meet up for breakfast on a Saturday to discuss. If truth be told the breakfasts have been a bit of a damp squib with mainly just the elders pitching up but people are...
Liam Goligher
So runs today's headline in the London Times following a statement by an evangelical bishop in the Church of England. Bishop Wallace Benn, the Bishop of Lewes, told the Reform conference of conservative Anglicans: "I'm about to use an analogy and I use it quite deliberately and carefully. And it...
Paul Levy
Geoff Thomas is the Don Corleone of Welsh ministers. He's been the minister of Alfred Place Baptist Church for over 40 years (still no festschrift!!). He's a legend in his own lifetime and has written the below postscript for a book by another Welsh minister Gwynn Williams. The book 'The Glory of...
Well, first I must apologize for dereliction of duty. Not only have I failed to be a good conversation partner, but I failed to wish Dr. Thomas well on his journey to the land where the ideas of Dr. Trueman's hero sunk their roots deeply. And since I've taken so long to respond, here is the link to...