

Rodney Trotter
A bad week for Trueman, a good week for taxi drivers. Now he's upset the Lutherans -- say it ain't so! Clearly, his appeal to pray for the spread of the gospel in Germany should not have included prayer for the Reformed, as one Rev. McCain points out . The gospel is, after all, all about the...
In our Friday morning staff meeting (at First Presbyterian Church, Jackson that is), Ligon invariably asks me to lead in a devotional. This morning I reflected for a moment or two on the fact that on August 26, 1824, Karl Marx was baptized as a Lutheran. His Jewish father had declared himself a...
Justin Taylor
Is it just me, or has there been an outbreak this past week of embarrassing examples of Christians dialoging badly with one another in the public square? Off the top of my head: R. Scott Clark's blog response to Clark Pinnock's death was title, "Clark Pinnock Dies at Age 73; Was God Surprised?" Get...
Iain D Campbell
I'm currently at the Puritan Reformed Conference in Grand Rapids, and thoroughly enjoying myself. 'The Beauty and Glory of Christ' - why did no-one think of a conference with this grand theme before? One of the blessings is books and other stalls...and today I picked up the CD of the Encyclopedia...
Rodney Trotter
What year did Trueman graduate from Westminster? And who ghost wrote all those pesky books and articles for mainstream academic presses? Answers on a postcard please. Mr. Bahnsen would like to know. Leaves one wondering if anyone actually reads Trueman and Beckwith before they hit the keyboards and...
Not wishing to disturb Trueman (who seems to be on a roll), I have a couple of books to bring to your attention. Both of these are by former colleagues of mine (and therefore I'm totally biased). The first is a paperback (144pp) by Dale Ralph Davis -- The Way of the Righteous in the Muck of Life (...
Rodney Trotter
It's good to see that our errant colleague, Trueman, has been roundly refuted over at the Christianity Today online edition, regarding his comments on Dinesh D'Souza's appointment at King's. CRT had, of course, made the ridiculous point that the appointment of a Roman Catholic seemed to indicate...
Rodney Trotter
Proof positive that Brother Trueman's two greatest loves -- after the present Mrs T and England beating the Welsh at rugby, of course -- are truly the secret of long life. If the Southern Baptists ever decide to ban marathon running, they'll all be dead by 25. Nota bene, Mr. Dever!
Justin Taylor
Mike Ovey of Oak Hill has a video good interview with Carl Trueman. From their website: Part 1: The doctrine of scripture - Mike and Carl discuss scripture, starting with the question: "Is it still useful to describe scripture as infallible and inerrant?" The interview continues by exploring the...
Iain D Campbell
Our Presbytery this week organised a lecture delivered by Professor Donald Macleod of the Free Church College, Edinburgh, on the theme of 'Our Debt to the Scottish Reformation'. It was outstanding, and well worth tuning in here to give it a listen.