

Iain D Campbell
I have just been preaching at the Longhorsley Bible Convention in Northumbria (2-4 July 2010). This was my second visit to the convention, and my fellow-labourer in the preaching ministry was Dr Peter Naylor, minister with the Evangelical Presbyterian Church in Cardiff. The convention is always...
Iain D Campbell
There is a philosophy current among evangelical preachers that one is not really preaching unless one is expounding and explaining a book of the Bible theme by theme, passage by passage, week by week. In some places, as I have discovered, any other method of biblical exposition is highly suspect...
Justin Taylor
Be in prayer today for our friend Joni Eareckson Tada--a true trophy of God's grace--who is undergoing breast cancer surgery this afternoon. Here is a message from her .
Sean Lucas
We are fixing to take some time away for vacation after the PCA General Assembly. Beyond wandering around the mountains of Western North Carolina, one of the things to which I look forward is doing some summer reading. Here's what I put in my bag: James Davison Hunter, To Change the World (one of...
Ref21 readers may be interested to know that the The Christian's Reasonable Service (4 Vols) by Wilhelmus à Brakel is available for download in pdf format (terrific for the Ipad!) from the translator's (Bart Elshout) web page here . On the published volumes (Reformation Heritage Books), Joel Beeke...
Iain D Campbell
We had an excellent meeting in Stornoway last night at which Ian Hamilton spoke on 'the spirit and practice of Sabbath keeping'. I'm not sure why the confessional position of the first day of the week being the Christian Sabbath is under such attack within contemporary evangelicalism; nor do I...
Iain D Campbell
While I was preaching in Birmingham, England recently, a colleague passed on a little booklet of 32 pages by Christopher Ash entitled Listen Up!: A practical guide to listening to sermons . What a gem it is! While there are many resources available about preparing and delivering sermons, I know of...
Sean Lucas
Interesting article in the June 2010 Harvard Business Review . Prof. Uzma Khan and colleagues did a study in which they awarded a gift card to an electronics store to people who completed a word puzzle. Half the recipients earned the prize on their first try; half had tried to win it before but...
Iain D Campbell
You may be interested in my review of Mark Driscoll's book on theology over at my blog here .
Iain D Campbell
I have been re-reading - and using as the basis of our midweek Prayer Meeting studies at the moment - John Flavel's great work on 'Keeping the Heart'. His meditations on Proverbs 4:23 were originally published under the title of 'A Saint Indeed', and concern the most fundamental issue of the faith...