

Iain D Campbell
Christian Focus has published an excellent little booklet by Don Carson, entitled From the Resurrection to His Return: Living Faithfully in the Last Days . It would be a terrific gift for students leaving home or for basic Bible study on Christian living. This is the blurb: This is not another book...
Rodney Trotter
First, as reported to me by Scott Clark, Dame Helen Mirren has made an appeal to Hollywood to stop portraying the British as evil villains here . Sorry, Helen, some of us British types wear that as a badge of honour; we are evil, so let them show us for what we are; let them call it as they see it...
Stephen Nichols
I just returned from the Wheaton Theology Conference, all focused on a dialog with N. T. Wright. Out of the gate, Richard Hayes surprised everyone by letting a few salvos go in Wright's direction. Around the book tables and the coffee stations during the break everyone seemed to be thinking out...
Our good friend and church planter Nic Batzig will be live blogging PCRT Greenville. Click here to check it out.
PCRT Greenville begins tomorrow at 9:15 with the pre-conference. On Saturday evening,Greenville native and Alliance president, Dr. J. Ligon Duncan III, will be our speaker. Fresh from T4G, Dr. Duncan will give an address on a topic that I'm sure any speaker would want: "The Eternal Glory." Do you...
Rick Phillips
I have been interested to follow the web reaction to Dr. Bruce Waltke's resignation from RTS for his Biologos video insisting that evangelicals must accept evolution or be considered a "cult", especially that which lambasts those who would criticize scholars of such eminence as Dr. Waltke. There...
I've been reflecting on what it is about these 7,000 men at t4g. So far, Mark Dever has urged the conference to think "church" - that's "church" in the traditional biblical, reformed sense (no hint of emergent here); R. C. Sproul, as a revered elder-statesman, urged the conference to heed the...
Seven thousand men, half of whom appear to be under 35, gathered together to sing traditional hymns and avow orthodox theology in lectures that would test a seminary student. What is it that gives this conference (T4G in Louisville, KY) such charisma -- no, not the presence of Sovereign Grace...
PCRT Greenville opens this Friday with a well-known and well-loved friend of Second Presbyterian Church, Dr. Joel Beeke. He will be speaking on Christ as the center not only of eschatology but history. If you will indulge me a personal reflection, Dr. Beeke was the guest minister the morning I...
Justin Taylor
James Grant has a brief interview here with Kevin DeYoung, whose new book--which walks through the Heidelberg Catechism--is available now from Moody.