

Justin Taylor
Let me join in the congratulations. Wheaton is deeply blessed to have as its eighth president a man of Phil's integrity, caliber, and godliness. If you have not yet seen it, below is a video of Phil addressing the congregation at Tenth on Sunday: It is a wonderful example...
Stephen Nichols
This is certainly good news for Wheaton and good news for Phil. Perhaps the only folks for whom this isn't good news is the congregation at Tenth in Philadelphia, as well as for those of us in the greater Philadelphia region (like myself) who enjoyed having Phil in the area and bumping into him...
Rev Boadicea von Ribbentrop
Dear Mr Thomas, I am disappointed, to say the least, at the return of Trueman and Trotter, those tired old reactionary sexists, to the Ref21 blog. Utter disgraces both. So let me recommend that readers write in and demand that the editorial staff require them to go for re-education to the following...
Rodney Trotter
Given all the blog furore of the last 24 hours, we at Ref21, in the interest of hearing what the ordinary man in the street thinks of Wheaton's appointment of our friend, Phil, to the top job, have sent me, Rodders, our very own roving reporter, off to London to ask Ziggy Stardust - no, not the...
Stephen Nichols
So here I am thumbing through my latest copy of Paste catching up on the latest Indie and post funk metal ska offerings and there it is: "Justin Taylor's first short story collection" . . . "artfully captur[ing] the view of the 2000s." Everything Here Is the Best Thing Ever --great title, despite...
Iain D Campbell
"Your professional studies may rightly occupy the principal share of your time and attention for six days in the week, just like the ordinary lawful secular business of other men; but on the Lord's Day you ought to be chiefly influenced by the consideration, not so much that you are students of...
Iain D Campbell
Maybe it's something to do with the friends I have on Facebook, but some of them are very keen to let the world know the point in the week when they have completed their sermon preparation. I think I know what they are saying: they have reached the point where they are satisfied that all they can...
I am preaching on the doctrine of providence tomorrow from a text in 1 Samuel. For some inexplicable reason, I have called the sermon, "The Saints and the providence of God." And, as it happens, I picked up this week a brand new publication of Calvin's monumental writing, "The Secret Providence of...
Martin Downes drew my attention to this piece in today's The Guardian newspaper: The Scottish tighthead prop (ask Carl Trueman what that means) Euan Murray explained to The Guardian why he won't be trampling over French rugby players on Sunday, and they also let him explain the cross and imputation...
Iain D Campbell
The following announcement has been made by Reformation Heritage Books: The Westminster Assembly Project and Reformation Heritage Books The Westminster Assembly Project, best known for the edition of Assembly minutes and papers to be published by Oxford University Press, has now entered an...