

Stephen Nichols
It depends on your context. If you're thinking great TV series of the 70s, you're thinking Who [indeed] shot J.R.? If you're thinking football, you're thinking of that team that somehow got the upper hand on the [beloved] Eagles (twice!) before getting divine retribution at the hands of a team from...
Stephen Nichols
I just saw the notice of a handy new set of Edwards' writings. Its edited by Owen Strachan and Douglas Sweeney and published by Moody. It looks like there will be five convenient paperbacks and a hefty hardback. And they all come due in February. What could better accompany Cupid's arrow than an...
Each year Tenth Presbyterian Church is pleased to host one of the Simeon Trust's Workshops on Biblical Exposition (also sponsored by the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals). The workshop is a profitable time not just because of the teaching during the main sessions, but also because of the...
Our friend Mike Milton (now president of Reformed Theological Seminary in Charlotte, North Carolina) has just published a book called Small Things, Big Things: Inspiring Stories of Everyday Grace (P&R). Dr. Milton has a keen eye for seeing God at work in daily life. Readers will benefit from...
A passage from this morning's devotions struck home as a verse for the American church, which today seems so prone to be fearful of various politicians and political movements, and of forces are conspiring against the church. The prophet Isaiah reminds us to fear God alone, and to be careful of...
"From self-conceit and vanity and boasting, from delight in supposed success and superiority, raise us to the modesty and humility of true sense and taste and reality; and from all the harms and hindrances of offensive manners and self-assertion; Save us and help us, we humbly beseech thee, O Lord...
Iain D Campbell
My colleague David Robertson has updated and re-published an article reflecting on cross-cultural mission. That is a nice way of saying that he has a lot of criticism of (some) American mission work in Scotland. The points he raises are incisive and helpful, and can be applied to any mission work...
Iain D Campbell
"The whole incarnation, with all that pertains to it, is one great sacrament of redemption" (Geerhardus Vos, Biblical Theology , p88). Discuss.
I recently heard that Pilgrim Radio will be broadcasting Christ the Center on FM radio. Pilgrim Radio airs 24 hours a day in 5 States . They broadcast The Al Mohler Program , as well as R.C. Sproul, John Piper, and Alistair Begg. Christ the Center is the weekly podcast of the Reformed Forum . The...
Iain D Campbell
some basic rule's of grammar to which we would all Do well to adhere, to: 26 Golden Rules for Writing Well 1.Don't abbrev. 2.Check to see if you any words out. 3.Be carefully to use adjectives and adverbs correct. 4.About sentence fragments. 5.When dangling, don't use participles. 6.Don't use no...