Michael Horton on These Last Days
What is life like until Jesus returns? This is a controversial question. Who better to answer it at PCRT Greenville than Michael S. Horton?
In a little under six days, the second annual PCRT Greenville begins. Saturday finds Michael Horton engaging the topic, "This Present Evil Age." Questions such as "How do we understand the antithesis between the church and the world?" and "What are the implications of us living in this present evil age on life and Christian ministry" will be on the docket.
Many readers here are familiar with Dr. Horton's writings. His latest two are vintage MSH and should be something you read soon: Christless Christianity and The Gospel Driven Life. Both exalt the grace of God and offer incisive cultural critiques that are desperately needed today.
Life in this present evil age is also a timely topic for this area of the country. Dispensationalism is rampant and many people do not know how to avoid a haughty triumphalism or a despairing escapism. Thankfully, our Reformed heritage, in its best expressions (i.e. Calvin, Vos, Bavinck) gives us a way to live with hope while not getting too comfortable here.
So what are you doing next Saturday? Maybe you will be engaged in that great eschatological work of dominion known as yard work. But the grass seed and the fertilizer can wait. Instead, register here and listen to what Monday morning looks like when faced with the unshakable hope that Christ gives us - even during this present evil age.