

Stephen Nichols
Maybe you know or don't know that Cash wrote a biography of Paul, called The Man in White. I came across a great line in the introduction as Cash recalls the research he put into the book, especially his reading of commentaries. He quips: "I discovered that the Bible can shed a lot of light on the...
Iain D Campbell
The University of St Andrews this week announced that NT Wright is to resign his bishopric in Durham to take up the Chair of New Testament and Early Christianity in the School of Divinity there. The announcement may be read here . You'll forgive me if I am less than enthusiastic. The Bishop of...
Rick Phillips
In my previous post on the PCRT webcast, I neglected to mention the Friday morning pre-conference, with Cornel Venema speaking on "Texts of Christ's Triumph". This, too, will be available for live video webcast. I open the preconference with a message from Hebrews 12. Then Dr. Venema gives us three...
Rick Phillips
For the first time, we are excited to provide live, free video of the 37th annual Philadelphia Conference on Reformed Theology from Tenth Presbyterian Church, with the theme "These Last Days". You can register and view at our AllianceLive! web page. And what a conference it is! Friday night brings...
Rick Phillips
Once while worshiping at a church in Africa, I heard a woman preaching the health-and-wealth gospel. If that wasn't bad enough, she was preaching from the book of Job. I feel similarly about the appeal for unity-without-truth in Christianity Today's negative critique of Together for the Gospel (T4G...
Ligon Duncan
J.C. Ryle, meditating on Luke 10:17-24: "We learn, from this passage, how ready Christians are to be puffed up with success. It is written, that the seventy returned from their first mission with joy, "saying, Lord, even the devils are subject unto us through your name." There was much false fire...
John Stott's latest book, The Radical Disciple, has just been released in the USA (I think its been available in the UK for a while). Published by IVP, this has all the marks of a collector's piece about it. Cards on table: I love John Stott. I only met him a couple of times and I doubt he knows I...
PCRT Greenville officially ended after morning worship this past Lord's Day after Dr. Duncan's glory-filled address on "Partakers of the Age to Come." But the conference itself is still lingering in the pre-summer humid air of Greenville. Some highlights: Joel Beeke's opening address on Revelation...
Sean Lucas
For some, my title is a bit of an oxymoron. I like to say that I'm so pleased with the cover of my book, On Being Presbyterian , because the people actually look happy being Presbyterian; that always gets a big laugh. But I mean the title seriously. I wish that we could center ourselves around the...
Stephen Nichols
If you haven't picked up the new book by Mark Deckard, Helpful Truth in Past Places: The Puritan Practice of Biblical Counseling (Christian Focus), then you need to. Mark's a dear friend and I value his wisdom as a counselor and teacher. Now he's proven his salt as a writer, too. He takes all of...