Poor old Trueman....

Rodney Trotter
A bad week for Trueman, a good week for taxi drivers.  Now he's upset the Lutherans -- say it ain't so!  Clearly, his appeal to pray for the spread of the gospel in Germany should not have included prayer for the Reformed, as one Rev. McCain points out.   The gospel is, after all, all about the communicatio idiomatum in the genus maiestaticum, a point conspicuously absent in the video to which he pointed readers.

Here's the central argument: "American Presbyterians are aiming at planting Reformed congregations back in Germany. Watch this video and notice how lacking an articulation of the Gospel actually is. Notice particularly the first several minutes where not once is the name of Christ mentioned, and only God is referred to and his glory. The word "Gospel" is mentioned but not articulated."

Trueman should apologise: to imply that the words of the hymn, `A Mighty Fortress' represent an articulation of the gospel is clearly a travesty.   Further, as any theologian worth his salt knows, if the name of Christ is not mentioned, Christ cannot be present.  that's basic Lutheranism and is surely why Brother Martin ditched the Old Testament and everything but bits of Luke's Gospel and Paul's Letters.   [Errm, Rodney, my boy, I hate to embarrass you in front of all seven of our readers, but I think you mean  `Marcion', not `Martin' -- Del Boy]