

The full print version of Pastor Seaton's response is now available for download as a PDF. Simply go to the article "In Pursuit of a Faithful Witness" at and scroll about halfway down. Read the full version and pray for this important issue!
Paul Levy
I've just been pointed to David Meredith interviewing two great retired anglican ministers, Richard Bewes and Alec Motyer. You might not be aware they are still alive but both were recently in Inverness. There can be few men as warm as these two.
Paul Levy
Having returned from PT conference, Carl was in great form, slaying sacred cows with abandon. As usual the Welsh came in for a drubbing. There was one brutal, underhand attack on Welsh mysticism. The Engaging with Lloyd Jones book is out and Carl has been given the job of reviewing it for Ref 21. I...
Paul Levy
Garry Williams of the John Owen Centre recently did our church weekend and is doing a series of seminars at Amyand Park Chapel, Twickenham on the same topic - The Love of God . Both the talks from Saturday are well worth listening to and were a great help to our congregation when he gave them. The...
Ref21 is thankful to have Rev. Scott Seaton inform our readers about this growing problem in missions. Read and pray!
Sean Lucas
For those who are going to be in San Francisco next week for the national meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society, you will not want to miss the exciting panel with two of the Ref21 bloggers in their guise as friendly church historians. From 8:30-11:40am on Thursday, November 17, the panel "...
One of the best things about the fall is not only the glory of God displayed in his creation, but the glory of God on display in his word faithfully proclaimed at our regional conferences. This weekend, Our Great God will be the theme of the Quakertown Regional Conference on Reformed Theolog y,...
Blame it on reading too much Heidegger the past few weeks, but I've been thinking about what it means to live in the world (not at all in the Heideggerian sense). In the Lord's gracious providence, Dr. G.K. Beale preached an excellent sermon this past Lord's Day on Revelation 18:2-5, where he...
Paul Levy
Pt residential conferences aren't what they were, in the good old days of everyone having double barrelled names and pink jeans I used to feel like Oliver Twist but these days it's more representative. A class-less society and all that. Free Church Reynolds has done a good job, though I'm not...
Check out the second installment of Pastor Ventura's article at reformation21!