

Guest blogger
Editor's Note: We welcome Lydia Sorkness, our guest blogger. Ms. Sorkness is a freshman in college and the daughter of an OPC ruling elder in the Philadelphia area. Most people my age make the long awaited, bittersweet drive with their parents to college, the car packed full of dorm room...
Sean Lucas
Reading Carl's post on "Oxgoads no more" prompted me to share what I have done over the past three years here at FPC Hattiesburg during the Christmas season. I confess that I find this time of year challenging for two reasons: 1) One can only preach Matt 1-2 and Luke 1-2 so many times before the...
Paul Levy
Reflecting on Gabriel's reflecting, I was reminded of being at a conference with a well-known preacher who is based in the US. He began his sermon by recounting an interview he had done on the radio. He was asked the question, 'What would you like your legacy to be?', to which he replied 'I want to...
Reading Levy's post this morning set me thinking. As I prepare to transition from PhD studies back to pastoral ministry in the local church, I've received much wise counsel from older saints on making said transition. One aspect of it that has been on my mind particularly is the temptation for...
Our good friend Malcolm Maclean reviews Zeal for Godliness; you can read it here: ZFG Review.pdf . Too, you can scroll down here on the r21 blog and get a great deal on this book. Bless someone with Calvin's Institutes in the New Year!
Paul Levy
I'm reading Engaging with Lloyd Jones and came across this quotation from Donald Macleod regarding Dr Lloyd Jones written in October 1983. Macleod is dealing with the kind of hagiography that arose around Lloyd Jones. The Dr died when I was 5 years old so I grew up i South Wales with ministers...
Paul Levy
It's great to welcome Digby to the team. We met a few years at the Proc Trust conference and Digby was a hoot, he'll be a great addition to the blog and will bring some much needed class and decorum. Speaking of Proclamation Trust, I'm in there later today where I hope to comfort Adrian Reynolds,...
Digby St. John-Crimond
Editor's note: we welcome the newest member of our blog team, Mr. Digby St. John-Crimond. After years of civil service in the diplomatic corps, he has taken an early retirement, to enjoy not only serving the Anglican Church, but also long distance swimming and the music of Tchaikovsky. For my first...
Paul Levy
It was September 1995. I had just arrived at university which, in itself, was something of a miracle and my friend was speaking at the Christian Union of 'The University of Wales Institute Cardiff'. He dragged me reluctantly along . It was an evangelistic night and of course there were no non...
Finally! For all of his clamoring against celebrity pastors, photographic evidence has emerged that unmistakably shows Trueman as that which he loathes. It appears from the photo below that the good Dr. knows quite a bit more about celebrity than he was willing to admit. To be fair, it further...