

Thabiti Anyabwile
A dear brother named Noah sent this to me. It's a worthy warning indeed. Thales, the philosopher, walking in the field at noon, was gazing into the heavens to see the stars, and stumbled into the ditch. So many are gazing after a great estate, but neglecting industry and care, they, by speculation...
William B. Evans
With all the understandable brouhaha over Peter Enns' recent book, The Evolution of Adam: What the Bible Does and Doesn't Say about Human Origins (Brazos, 2012) in which Enns decisively rejects the historicity of Adam and Eve, it is good to be reminded why the church has historically viewed the...
Scott Oliphint
A non-Christian friend of mine recently returned from a trip overseas. When I asked him how his trip was, he looked me in the eye and, with finger pointing and shaking in my face, steadfastly declared to me, "There is no God." That was the first thing he wanted me to know. He knew I was a Christian...
Paul Levy
Yesterday morning 5 of us local ministers spent the morning with Dick Lucas. He gave us an overview of 2 Timothy. The guy is 87 and still reworking his material, it was remarkable. The benefit of just having a small group together and being able to ask questions together was a real privilege. One...
Paul Levy
A number of us in our church are reading ''What is the Mission of the Church'' by Gilbert and Deyoung which the more I read of it the more I like it. Kevin Deyoung gave an excellent talk at a Soveriegn Grace Ministries conference which is a brilliant overview of many of the themes. It's a great way...
Last fall, Steve Hays of Triablogue, did an excellent article for ref21 refuting the collection of new atheist essays published under the title of The End of Christianity (ed. John Loftus). The book-length refutation of Loftus and company is now available in PDF here. Not only is it a wealth of...
Carl Trueman weighs in on James Macdonald's exit from the Gospel Coalition over at Christianity Today. Also, see Trueman's latest Wages of Spin article and a review of Mark Driscoll and Gerry Breshear's Doctrine . A busy day at ref21!
Paul Levy
Sam Allberry does a great job in his book ''Lifted - Experiencing the Resurrection Life'' . There are 4 sections on Assurance, Transformation, Hope and Mission. Sam writes with freshness and a great turn of phrase. On Jesus authority he says, 'he preached without footnotes' (p26) and when speaking...
A passing comment about "asking Jesus into my heart" had Paul Helm's brain in contortions. See his comment here .
Reformation21's own Rick Phillips wrote a thoughtful and charitable piece on the PCA's "Meeting of Understanding" here .