

Scott Oliphint
Apologetics is a defense of the Christian faith; the word "apologetics" comes from a Greek word that means defense. In my last article, I mentioned that apologetics has been concerned, perhaps overly or exclusively so, to answer philosophical challenges with philosophical jargon. This emphasis has...
With characteristic aplomb and passion for Christ's glory, Steve Hays over Triablogue has written more on Sudduth's deconversion. See here . One thing this whole mess has sparked in me, besides anger and sadness, is a renewed interest in Owen's massive work on apostasy from the Gospel (vol. 7, I...
Our friend William Boekestein has just written an excellent article on group Bible study. Check it out as you begin such things in 2012!
Paul Levy
Following on from Dr Lucas' post regarding preaching and lecturing, David Jackman has a great address from 2006 on 'What's so special about preaching?' He writes... ''I wonder if we have so over-reacted to the mystical and the subjective-emotional in preaching, that we see it now in terms of...
Paul Levy
There are few things worse than Christians over-analysing films and seeing ''the gospel'' and ''redemption'' all over the place when the actual director and writers had no intention of illustrating them. With that as a caveat, I venture to say that watching The Princess Bride I spotted semi-...
Paul Levy
I've been bombarded with materials to help in learning the Shorter Catechism since my last post here It turns out there is a whole cottage industry for singing the Catechism Songs for Saplings - you can get them in the UK by going to the Church Society's site Reformed Music also have some music cd'...
More books emerge than I have time to keep up with, but our friend Rob Ventura can help us here with sample chapters from forthcoming titles from Reformed Heritage Press (see his blog, ). I've just finished reading Peter Enns' new book, The Evolution of Adam: What...
Sean Lucas
I just finished writing my Sunday sermon on 1 Samuel 18. A few weeks ago, I began working through the life of David, beginning in 1 Samuel 16 and extending to the end of 2 Samuel. As I have it laid out, I'm going to try and do this in around 30 sermons, which is really fast. But the only way to...
Carlton Wynne
Recent online debates over the proper pastoral use of biblical commands in the lives of believers have left me a bit bewildered. Apparently, some would see these commands merely as descriptions of the Christian's deficiencies, the spiritual equivalent of a photographic negative, whose sole purpose...
Scott Oliphint
Editor's Note: We are excited to welcome Dr. K. Scott Oliphint to the reformation21 blog. Dr. Oliphint is the professor of apologetics and systematic theology at Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia. He is the author of numerous books, including his most recent title, God With Us (...