The Quest for Comfort

Paul Levy
Last year we went through the Heidelberg Catechism each Sunday as our confession of faith. People loved it and lots bought Kevin Deyoung's book 'The good news we almost forgot'. I recently got sent 'The Quest for Comfort - the story of the Heidelberg Catechism'  by William Boekstein and illustrated by Evan Hughes (who surely has to be Welsh!). Most of us don't know much of the catechism but know even less about how the Catechism came about. This works as a great introduction. Anyway the book is aimed at children so I gave my copy to two kids in the church. Here's what they thought of it. You will notice that their prose is more elegant than mine:-

Charlotte Larson (Aged 10) - 'The introduction grabbed me and I liked the bold illustrations, they are cool. I was a bit put off the book by all the long names so you would have to be really interested in the Heidelberg Catechism to read the whole book'

May Larson (Aged 9) - 'It was a good book that helped me understand a lot about the Heidelberg Catechism. The illustrations were colourful and helped me enjoy the book. I recommend this book but you have to be quite good at reading because the names of people and places are long and quite hard to read and remember'

I should also add that Reformed Heritage Books are nearly impossible to get hold of in the UK. You need to find someone in the US who is willing to smuggle it into the UK.