Miracle Max and Semipelagianism

Paul Levy
There are few things worse than Christians over-analysing films and seeing ''the gospel'' and ''redemption'' all over the place when the actual director and writers had no intention of illustrating them. With that as a caveat, I venture to say that watching The Princess Bride I spotted semi-Pelagianism!

I can't believe I'm the first person to think this but nobody has come up with it on the world wide web as far as I can see.

Billy Crystal is Miracle Max treating the dread pirate Roberts. Watch it here:
''It just so happens that your friend is only mostly dead. There's a big difference between mostly dead and totally dead. Now mostly dead is slightly alive but with all dead there's only one thing you can do...What's that?.... Go through his clothes and look for loose change''.........Miracle Max

Ephesians 2 says we are ''dead in our trespasses and sins''. We're not mostly dead; we are totally dead, the only thing you can do is go through our pockets and look for loose change, but the gospel is that God has made the totally dead alive in Christ Jesus.

At this point let me please beg of you preachers, for the sake of your congregations, don't use this clip in your Sunday sermon. Video clips in sermons don't work.