That Makes Trueman (No First Name Needed) the Most Powerful Celebrity Pastor in the Western World

Thabiti Anyabwile
With one deft press of the "post" button, our brother has brought a heavyweight Evangelical publisher to their knees with an apology and a retraction of a new book on the Reformation.  Not many bloggers I know have that kind of sway.  In fact, only my brother Trueman!

Okay, I'm jesting at Trueman's expense.  But in all seriousness, I'm made grateful that:

1.  The Lord has blessed Trueman to be the resource that he is on such important historical and theological matters; and,

2.  The Lord has granted integrity to editors at IVP to respond humbly and faithfully to significant issues in the publishing of at least this one book.  When's the last time we've seen that?