Guest Post - Being Missional

Paul Levy

Guest Post by Missional Max, who is a radical church planter into all things Missional:

Struggling to get on board with God's mission? Find it hard to take opportunities to speak about the radical kingdom? Haven't brought anyone to Christ in the last 3 days? Fed up with tradition? Want to live everyday, simply, purely and radically for the gospel and community (man, how has the church missed this for 2,000 years!!).

I'm going to give you some mind blowing tips that will change your life and make you truly Missional.

Let me give you my first set of top tips:

1.      Buy a dog

2.      Talk to your dog at home

3.      Take your dog for a walk

4.      Whilst on your walk talk to other peoples' dogs

5.      The owners of the other dogs will talk to your dog

6.      You talk to the owner of the dog through their dog

7.      Make sure you walk in the same park every day, at the same time, in the same place so you get to know the dogs. (Absolutely essential for being missional - get rhythm into your life)

8.      Pray for opportunities for your dog; that it would be a friendly dog and intentionally speak to other dogs about the gospel. Pray for opportunities for you with other dogs.

9.      You are now walking the dog ''missionally''. Never, ever think you're just walking the dog. You're doing something much more significant than that. You're walking the dog ''missionally''. You can apply this to every area of life, no matter how ridiculous.