Check out this website . "The Reason For God" is currently on the NY Times bestseller list. I recommend it not only as a means to equip believers for the work of evangelism but also as a tool to pass along to skeptical friends and family members.
In the latest issue of Touchstone an article by Michael Horton levels a critical eye on the contemporary fad for churches to have extraordinary pastors. As an extraordinarily ordinary pastor I feel that pressure regularly. Many of the conferences marketed to pastors today are led by sparkling,...
USA Today on whether or not we have lost the notion of sin.
The great Puritan Thomas Boston on the doctrine of man's inability . This is worth reading.
Check out the temporary website for Redeemer Fellowship in Kansas City. Redeemer Fellowship is the church that Kris McGee is planting with Kevin Cawley. We are excited about Kris' new ministry. What a privilege it was to ordain Kris into the gospel ministry on Sunday evening. I will post pictures...
This is a fascinating article from Slate on why Easter is more resistent to commercialism than Christmas.
John Piper offers some helpful insights about the oft repeated legend that Jesus went to hell for a time after He died.
"And you, who were dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made alive together with Him, having forgiven us all our trespasses, by cancelling the record of debt that stood against us with its legal demands. This He set aside, nailing it to the cross. He disarmed the rulers...
In a field where the notion of God has been completely removed there is little room left for questions of right and wrong. Ethics become entirely utilitarian: if it can be done then it is good. Check out this story from Reuters.
Thomas Madden wrote a terrific response on National Review Online to last year's outrageous and now almost fully discredited "documentary" which aired on The Discovery Channel. If you recall there was much buzz about the supposed discovery of Jesus' ossuary (bone box).