George Carlin was a profane man. That is not unusual. I am sure that if all of our thoughts and careless words were made known there would be no end to our shame. However, it is no secret that George Carlin was an atheist who openly mocked God, especially the God revealed in the Bible. What this...
Please take time to read this post from Tim Challies . It is a letter written by Dennis Rainey concerning the death of his baby granddaughter. It is a model of the mysterious wedding of grief mixed with joy which is only possible in Christ. It is a moving meditation on the sovereign goodness of God...
Check out this brief post by Rick Phillips. My own experience confirms his observations.
Check out this excellent article by Dr. Vern Poythress on what the weather says about God.
http://youtube.com/v/Dra6p7Xl0LA I love Paul Tripp's books. Metro East was privileged to host Dr. Tripp for a weekend seminar in April. What a blessing that was! Anyway, here is a "heads up" on his forthcoming book, "Whiter Than Snow" which is a series of meditations on Psalm 51.
Alan at Truth In Context offers this very helpful test for determining whether or not a sermon is truly Christian.
We live in a pragmatic culture. A thing's value is determined almost exclusively on the basis of whether or not it does what I want it to do. Will it increase my sense of well-being and pleasure? Will it advance my carreer? Will it make my kids obedient and happy? Will it make my spouse more...
Check out this excellent article by Gene Veith posted at Ligonier.