"The Gospel does not require anything good that man must furnish: not a good heart, not a good disposition, no improvement of his condition, no godliness, no love either of God or men. It issues no orders, but changes man. It plants love into his heart and makes him capable of all good works. It...
I am thankful that a resolution on church membership was adopted at the SBC's annual meeting this week. Perhaps it could signal a change in our sloppy accounting. What will be needed however is for pastors like myself to cease worshipping at the feet of our idol: the crowd. Check out these helpful...
Christianity Today , founded by Billy Graham and Carl Henry (one of the 20th century's greatest theologians) is hardly even a reflection of its former self. One C.T. 's latest embarassments is a positive review it offered to the film "Sex And The City." Check out these three important responses to...
"Doctrine is heaven, life is earth. In life there is sin, error, uncleanness, and misery, mixed, as the saying goes, 'with vinegar.' Here love should condone, tolerate, be deceived, trust, hope, and endure all things (1 Cor. 13:7); here the forgiveness of sins should have complete sway, provided...
Check out this post from Said At Southern .
We arrived in Breckenridge today for a week of vacation. I have been looking forward to this week for a while. The weather is beautiful. Right now Karen and I are joining the rest of the civilized world by watching LOST. We have never seen a single episode. Anyway, we are in the middle of episode...
Thanks to Justin Taylor for posting a link to these great sermons . Sinclair Ferguson is one of my favorite preachers and writers. Be blessed and listen to this pastor/theologian preach these wonderful sermons.
Check out this great message by Eric Redmond at the annual Founder's Breakfast at the SBC. Importat stuff. Baptist Press posted this article on pastor Redmond's message.
"Be sure, moreover, that you do not make Christ into a Moses, as if Christ did nothing more than teach and provide examples as the other saints do, as if the gospel were simply a textbook of teachings or laws. Therefore you should grasp Christ, his words, works, and sufferings, in a twofold manner...