An important aspect to being a Gospel-shaped, Gospel-driven church is hospitality. We must learn to think of our facilities as not only being our place but our neighbor’s place as well. The word “hospitality” has come to mean little more than entertaining. But in the Bible it is something far more...
"In the 1970s and 1980s, on every side and in almost every way, it was becoming clear that ways of doctrinal thinking were wearing very thin. The capacity to think doctrinally was being lost as new leaders emerged, as the leadership of the evangelical world shifted from the older pastor-theologians...
Karen and I celebrated eighteen years of marriage today. I have come to believe that nothing so much as marriage reveals my sins as well as my virtues. It has been in marriage that my selfishness has risen to its ugliest heights. Mercifully, however, I am a much better man than I otherwise would...
Southern Baptists cannot find between 50 and 60 per cent of our members. Southern Baptist Church attendance is less than half of the membership we claim. What is more, many SBC churches are populated with baptized individuals who demonstrate scant biblical knowlege and little, if any desire for...
I saw the following excerpt posted over at The Shepherd's Scrapbook . It is part of a message delivered by Al Mohler at Covenant Life in Church in Maryland. It deals with Jesus parable of the sowers. Dr. Mohler pays particular attention to the nature of "the crowd." I found his insights very...
I have need of endurance these days. The task of caring for the church is feeling particularly heavy. There are times when the stress and the sadness is so great that my knees begin to buckle. I often think of the apostle Paul's account of his own suffering. He experienced things like ship wreck,...
"I'm not Mother Teresa. But I'm also not Charles Manson." - Mike Tyson to the Nevada State Athletic Commission
This week I have been reflecting a lot on the last two years. They have been, for me, very hard years. In fact these two years have been among the most stessful of my life. Jesus said that unless a seed falls into the ground and dies it cannot bear fruit. What a great image for us to cling to when...
Five books I wish every church member would read: 1. Knowing God by J.I. Packer 2. The Christian Life by Sinclair Ferguson 3. Instruments in the Redeemer's Hands by Paul Tripp 4. God's Big Picture by Vaughn Roberts 5. Putting Amazing Back Into Grace by Michael Horton
"One of the most sinned-against biblical principles is that of the grace of God in the gospel as the pattern, motive and power for Christian living. Let us take the example of Jesus. The Christian church has always acknowledged the role of the imitation of Christ as a valid principle in Christian...