Why does it always look worse in pictures?
It has been said that the two words in the Bible are "law" and "gospel." The point is that everything in Scripture can ultimately be placed either in the category of law or gospel. Law is anything that God requires. The law is God's commandments; His righteous demands. The gospel, on the other hand...
http://youtube.com/v/T-lv8745InI Thanks to Denny Burk for posting this.
"From the New Testament's point of view, those who have almost forgotten about their own spirituality because their focus is so exclusively on their union with Jesus Christ and what He has accomplished are those who are growing and exhibiting fruitfulness. Historically speaking, whenever the piety...
Check out this excellent article by David Fairchild at Kaleo Church . Fairchild clearly outlines how the Gospel not only shapes biblical theology but also creates the rationale behind mission.
This story illustrates well what happens when Christians build a subculture rather than living as resident aliens within the culture.
Check out this recommended reading list from Ligonier Ministries.
For those of you unschooled in Southern Baptist denominational life, the CBF (Cooperative Baptist Fellowship) is an offshoot of the SBC made up primarily of moderates and liberals who who disdain the conservative resurgence that took place in the SBC in early 1980's. To be sure, there are some...
As a follow-up to my last post, check out this excellent article by Nathin Finn on the conservative resurgence in the SBC. Dr. Finn is a church historian at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. I think you will find his words helpful.