Ben Witherington, a world-class New Testament scholar from Asbury Theological Seminary recently interacted with some statements from emerging church leader Rob Bell. Witherington is very irenic in tone. While not always agreeing with Witherington I have appreaciated much of his work. His critique...
From Harper's Magazine: SIGNED, SEALED, DELIVERED From the website of You've Been Left Behind, a service that for a $40 fee provides customers who expect to be raptured the chance to send messages to loved ones on earth. We all have family and friends who have failed to receive the Good News of the...
The Gospel Coalition will be hosting their national conference in April. Take a look at the speakers and topics. God willing, I will be there. Also, check out their new e-magazine . Great stuff!
Biblical exposition protects the church from error. It is always tempting for the preacher to tell people what they want to hear. Popularity has its advantages. Because of this, preaching is often more a reflection of popular fads than it is an exposition of Scripture. In his penetrating critique...
Trevin Wax offers this good reminder in the pages of Christianity Today.
Ronald Kessler at The Wall Street Journal has written an interesting article on Barack Obama's controversial pastor. I wonder if a Republican candidate would be advancing toward the White House if his pastor spewed forth such racist venom?
An excellent article by Graeme Goldsworthy on the Old Testament. Goldsworthy's book According to Plan is essential reading for a better understanding of the Bible. Take and Read!
Al Mohler suggests a structure for "Theological Triage." This article from the latest edition of the 9 Marks Journal offers important insight on knowing how to distinguish between first order and second order doctrines.
I am preaching from Psalm 22 tomorrow. The Psalm provides profound insights into Jesus' sufferings on the cross. It is also a Psalm of complaint. David does more than cry out to God for help. He questions, even complains about God's seeming absence and slowness to respond. Ultimately the Psalmist...
Paul Tripp answers questions about his new book "A Quest for More." I also highly recommend his books "Instruments in the Redeemer's Hands" and "How People Change" co-authored with Tim Lane. Metro East is looking forward to hosting Paul Tripp on April 4th and 5th for his conference, "Marriage,...