Check out this recommended reading list for children and youth.
Given that the primary season is over I thought I would re-post an entry I wrote in 2007. I think this will also help to answer questions I sometimes receive about why Metro East does not have an American flag in our worship center or hold "God and Country" services. *Note: Today (July 16th) I...
http://youtube.com/v/MWfnyMUzPDs I was deeply touched by Gracia and Mindy's song Sunday morning. I listen to Gracia when she talks about God's goodness and sovereignty because her faith has been tested in ways that mine has not. How good it was to have mother and daughter sing about the watchful...
Take time to listen to this edition of the Albert Mohler Program . Dr. Russell Moore is the host and his two guests are Mark Dever of Capitol Hill Baptist Church and Stanley Hauerwas of Duke University. The question the program addresses is whether or not patriotic services are appropriate for...
Thanks to Timmy Brister for this important post: "Nobody can tell a Southern Baptist what to do." "That’s the comment by Darrell Orman, chairman of the Resolutions Committee, speaking to Christianity Today after the passing of the resolution on regenerate church membership. Tom Ascol’s response: “...
"You might be an emergent Christian: if you listen to U2, Moby, and Johnny Cash's Hurt (sometimes in church), use sermon illustrations from The Sopranos , drink lattes in the afternoon and Guinness in the evenings, and always use a Mac; if your reading list consists primarily of Stanley Hauerwas,...
I love J.I. Packer. I try to read everything he writes. His influence upon sound evangelical thinking would be difficult to overestimate. One of Packer's many strengths is his ability to pack a freight train of theology into a comparitively brief statement (see his outstanding Concise Theology )...
This Sunday I am preaching on Acts 6:1-7. It is the account of the first real challenge to the church's unity. The incident that Luke recounts exposed an ugly division within the body of Christ in Jerusalem. The division, which was along cultural lines, was a greater threat to the young church than...
Nathan Williams has written two posts ( here and here ) about his recent visit to Mars Hill Bible Church pastored by emerging church leader Rob Bell. I think William's experience speaks for itself.
Do you ever wonder why God does not fully explain the reality of pain? John Piper has written an excellent post on that topic. He writes: "One of the reasons God rarely gives micro reasons for his painful providences, but regularly gives magnificent macro reasons, is that there are too many micro...