The high stakes of knowing our origins It seems that once children are able to form sentences, among their first intelligible utterances are questions. And to young ones beginning to discover the world around them, the questions abound! They begin with questions concerning identity. Observing a...
I was thinking this afternoon about the profound words that we sang at Metro East yesterday: Oh fearful saints new courage take, The clouds that you no dread Are big with mercy and will break With blessing on your head. Judge not the Lord by feeble sense, But trust Him for His grace; Behind a...
Al Mohler posts these interesting comments in response to a recent interview with British novelist Ian McEwan. Mohler makes a compelling argument for the moral necessity of belief in a final judgment.
Check out these great resources from Monergism on the subject of guidance and God's will. Very helpful!
Check out this USA Today article on the anxiety among SBC leaders regarding declining numbers.
Following the horrific Asian tsunami that occurred on December 26, 2004, The Herald of Glasgow, Scotland printed a commentary that read in part: “God, if there is a God, should be ashamed of himself. The sheer enormity of the Asian tsunami disaster, the death, destruction, and havoc it has wreaked...
Ben Wright has posted his impressions of the SBC's annual meeting. I think he makes some important observations. I hope someone is listening.